Ismet Sulila
Ismet Sulila
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
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Implementasi dimensi layanan publik dalam konteks otonomi daerah
I Sulila
Deepublish, 2015
The effect of discipline and work motivation on employee performance, BTPN Gorontalo
I Sulila
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management …, 2019
An analysis of the effectiveness of allocation of village fund policy implementation and its determining factors in gorontalo regency
I Sulila
Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Administrasi Publik: Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian …, 2019
The Influence of Structure, Resources, Disposition and Communication on Small-and Medium-Sized Enterprises' Empowerment Policy Implementation in Indonesia
The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 1213-1223, 2021
Transparansi Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Kecamatan Lemito Kabupaten Pohuwato
PA Hulinggi, I Sulila, R Tohopi
Jambura Journal of Administration and Public Service 1 (1), 11-21, 2020
Implementasi Iptek untuk standardisasi, pemasaran, dan distribusi produk kerajinan sulaman kain karawo bagi usaha mikro, kecil, dan menengah (UMKM) di Kabupaten Gorontalo
I Sulila, T Wolok, AR Pakaya
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 4 (1), 61-70, 2019
Risk Management of Musyarakah Mutanaqisah Contract in Sharia Banks in Indonesia: Legal and Operational Issues
IR Santoso, M Harsanto, I Sulila, A Bahsoan
International Journal of Applied Business and International Management …, 2020
Pentingnya aspek hukum pelestarian danau Limboto dan pemanfaatan eceng gondok sebagai produk kerajinan tangan khas masyarakat Desa Buhu Kabupaten Gorontalo
WA Dungga, I Sulila, Y Aneta
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 24 (2), 617-622, 2018
Village Fund Policy Implementation Model in Efforts to Reduce Poverty Rate
I Sulila
MIMBAR: Jurnal Sosial Dan Pembangunan 36 (2), 440-449, 2020
Purchase Power and Consumption Pattern Change of Society (Analysis of 34 Panel Data in Indonesia)
SIS Dai, I Sulila
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 11 (2), 66-73, 2020
Regional financial public services evaluation based on regional budget and expenditure
I Sulila
Mimbar: Jurnal Sosial Dan Pembangunan 35 (2), 295-305, 2019
The effect of human resource competency and implementation of SIMDA on the quality of financial statement at BPKAD Office of Gorontalo city
I Sulila
Publik (Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi) 8 (1), 67-74, 2019
Pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui peningkatan kapasitas manajemen dan mutu produk pada kelompok kerajinan Karawo di Desa Bongo Kabupaten Gorontalo
I Sulila
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 22 (3), 96-102, 2016
Public Policy Performance Improvement through Community Empowerment in the Program Liability Housing Help in Gorontalo District
R Tohopi, A Tahir, Y Aneta, I Sulila
European Journal of Science, Innovation and Technology 2 (2), 66-74, 2022
Penguatan kapasitas tata kelola keuangan dan produksi bagi kelompok masyarakat pengrajin karawo Desa Wisata Religius Bongo Kabupaten Gorontalo
I Sulila
Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat 24 (2), 610-616, 2018
Pemberdayaan masyarakat terdampak covid-19 melalui penguatan aspek manajemen dan teknologi pemasaran bagi UKM
I Sulila
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 6 (4), 1096-1105, 2021
Intellectual capital (ic) in improving msme organizational performance during the new normal pandemic covid-19
D Orba, I Sulila, H Handha, F Pakaja
Available at SSRN 3730884, 2020
Implementasi PPDM Tahun Pertama bagi Masyarakat Pesisir Danau Limboto melalui Penguatan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Iptek Manajemen Pemanfaatan Eceng Gondok sebagai Produk Unggulan
T Wolok, I Sulila, WA Dungga
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat 4 (1), 71-80, 2019
The existence of higher education in Indonesia as a public service agency in the implementation of good university governance
I Sulila
Journal of International Conference Proceedings 4 (3), 452-463, 2021
Implementasi Kebijakan Pelayanan Parkir Tepi Jalan Umum di Kota Gorontalo
IS Sulila
Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi: Media Pengembangan Ilmu dan Praktek Administrasi …, 2016
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Articles 1–20