A. Abdullah Dönmez
Cited by
Cited by
Size effect on punching strength of reinforced concrete slabs with and without shear reinforcement
A Dönmez, ZP Bažant
ACI Structural Journal 114 (4), 875, 2017
Critical comparison of phase-field, peridynamics, and crack band model M7 in light of gap test and classical fracture tests
ZP Bažant, HT Nguyen, A Abdullah Dönmez
Journal of Applied Mechanics 89 (6), 061008, 2022
Critique of critical shear crack theory for fib Model Code articles on shear strength and size effect of reinforced concrete beams
A Dönmez, ZP Bažant
Structural Concrete 20 (4), 1451-1463, 2019
Structural and mechanical properties of (Co/Mg) co-doped nano ZnO
E Asikuzun, A Donmez, L Arda, O Cakiroglu, O Ozturk, D Akcan, M Tosun, ...
Ceramics International 41 (5), 6326-6334, 2015
Structural strength scaling law for fracture of plastic-hardening metals and testing of fracture properties
HT Nguyen, AA Dönmez, ZP Bažant
Extreme Mechanics Letters 43, 101141, 2021
Interaction of concrete creep, shrinkage and swelling with water, hydration, and damage: Nano-macro-chemo
ZP Bažant, A Donmez, E Masoero, SR Aghdam
CONCREEP 10, 1-12, 2015
Fracture and size effect suppression by mesh reinforcement of concrete and justification of empirical shrinkage and temperature reinforcement in design codes
M Rasoolinejad, AA Dönmez, ZP Bažant
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (10), 04020120, 2020
Scaling in size, time and risk—The problem of huge extrapolations and remedy by asymptotic matching
ZP Bažant, HT Nguyen, AA Dönmez
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 170, 105094, 2023
Précis of gap test results requiring reappraisal of line crack and phase-field models of fracture mechanics
ZP Bažant, AA Dönmez, HT Nguyen
Engineering Structures 250, 113285, 2022
Shape factors for concrete shrinkage and drying creep in model B4 refined by nonlinear diffusion analysis
A Dönmez, ZP Bažant
Materials and Structures 49 (11), 4779-4784, 2016
Size effect on shear strength of reinforced concrete: Is CSCT or MCFT a viable alternative to energy-based design code?
A Abdullah Dönmez, C Carloni, G Cusatis, ZP Bažant
Journal of Engineering Mechanics 146 (10), 04020110, 2020
Extrapolation of short-time drying shrinkage tests based on measured diffusion size effect: concept and reality
ZP Bažant, A Donmez
Materials and Structures 49, 411-420, 2016
Size effect on FRP external reinforcement and retrofit of concrete structures
A Dönmez, M Rasoolinejad, ZP Bažant
Journal of Composites for Construction 24 (5), 04020056, 2020
Size effect on branched sideways cracks in orthotropic fiber composites (vol 222, pg 155, 2020)
A Donmez, ZP Bazant
Crack-parallel stress effect on fracture energy of plastic hardening polycrystalline metal identified from gap test scaling
AA Dönmez, HT Nguyen, H Xu, ZP Bažant
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 173, 105222, 2023
Size effect on the shear capacity of headed studs
AA Dönmez
Advances in Structural Engineering 24 (4), 815-826, 2021
Dependence of fracture size effect and projectile penetration on fiber content of FRC
ZP Bažant, M Rasoolinejad, A Dönmez, W Luo
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 596 (1), 012001, 2019
Mechanical response of textile reinforced cementitious composite tubes under monotonic and cyclic loadings
D Dönmez, AA Dönmez, M Gençoğlu
Construction and Building Materials 251, 118963, 2020
Double cantilever indirect tension testing for fracture of quasibrittle materials
FC Caner, AA Dönmez, S Şener, V Koç
International Journal of Solids and Structures 162, 76-86, 2019
How gap tests of ductile and quasibrittle fracture limit applicability of phase-field, XFEM, cohesive, nonlocal and crack-band models?
ZP Bažant, AA Dönmez, HT Nguyen
Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 409-413, 2022
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Articles 1–20