Natalia Bilenko
Natalia Bilenko
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Cited by
Decoding the semantic content of natural movies from human brain activity
AG Huth, T Lee, S Nishimoto, NY Bilenko, AT Vu, JL Gallant
Frontiers in systems neuroscience 10, 81, 2016
The “parahippocampal place area” responds preferentially to high spatial frequencies in humans and monkeys
R Rajimehr, KJ Devaney, NY Bilenko, JC Young, RBH Tootell
PLoS biology 9 (4), e1000608, 2011
Visual and linguistic semantic representations are aligned at the border of human visual cortex
SF Popham, AG Huth, NY Bilenko, F Deniz, JS Gao, AO Nunez-Elizalde, ...
Nature neuroscience 24 (11), 1628-1636, 2021
Pyrcca: regularized kernel canonical correlation analysis in python and its applications to neuroimaging
NY Bilenko, JL Gallant
Frontiers in neuroinformatics 10, 49, 2016
The role of the left inferior frontal gyrus in implicit semantic competition and selection: An event-related fMRI study
CM Grindrod, NY Bilenko, EB Myers, SE Blumstein
Brain research 1229, 167-178, 2008
Neural correlates of semantic competition during processing of ambiguous words
NY Bilenko, CM Grindrod, EB Myers, SE Blumstein
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 21 (5), 960-975, 2008
Retinotopy versus face selectivity in macaque visual cortex
R Rajimehr, NY Bilenko, W Vanduffel, RBH Tootell
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 26 (12), 2691-2700, 2014
Queer in AI: A case study in community-led participatory AI
OO Queerinai, A Ovalle, A Subramonian, A Singh, C Voelcker, ...
Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and …, 2023
Eye movement-invariant representations in the human visual system
S Nishimoto, AG Huth, NY Bilenko, JL Gallant
Journal of vision 17 (1), 11-11, 2017
Decoding the semantic content of natural movies from human brain activity. Front Syst Neurosci 10: 81
AG Huth, T Lee, S Nishimoto, NY Bilenko, AT Vu, JL Gallant
The narrative explorer
N Bilenko
Master’s thesis, EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, 2016
Visualization of Narrative Structure
N Bilenko, A Miyakawa
How much tuning information is lost when we average across subjects in fMRI experiments?
NY Bilenko, AT Vu, T Naselaris, AG Huth, JL Gallant
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 917-917, 2010
Pyrcca: Regularized Kernel Canonical Correlation Analysis in Python and Its Applications to Neuroimaging. Front. Neuroinform. 10: 49. doi: 10.3389/fninf. 2016.00049 Pyrcca …
NY Bilenko
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2 Department of …, 2016
Human visual areas invariant to eye movements during natural vision
S Nishimoto, A Huth, N Bilenko, J Gallant
Journal of Vision 13 (9), 1061-1061, 2013
The visual cortical ‘word form area’is selective for high spatial frequencies in humans but not monkeys
NY Bilenko, R Rajimehr, JC Young, RBH Tootell
Journal of Vision 8 (6), 626-626, 2008
Eye movement-invariant representations in the human
S Nishimoto, AG Huth, NY Bilenko, JL Gallant
Modeling of Natural Stimulus Representation in the Human Brain Using Canonical Correlation Analysis
NY Bilenko
University of California, Berkeley, 2016
The ‘‘Parahippocampal Place Area’’Responds Preferentially to High Spatial
R Rajimehr, KJ Devaney, NY Bilenko, JC Young, RBH Tootell
TheParahippocampal Place Area'Responds Selectively to High Spatial Frequencies
R Rajimehr, KJ Devaney, JC Young, NY Bilenko, RBH Tootell
University of Sussex, 0
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Articles 1–20