Anne P. Massey, Dean and Thomas O'Brien Endowed Chair
Anne P. Massey, Dean and Thomas O'Brien Endowed Chair
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Cited by
Getting it together: Temporal coordination and conflict management in global virtual teams
MM Montoya-Weiss, AP Massey, M Song
Academy of management Journal 44 (6), 1251-1262, 2001
Do I really have to? User acceptance of mandated technology
SA Brown, AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, JR Burkman
European journal of information systems 11 (4), 283-295, 2002
Understanding usability in mobile commerce
V Venkatesh, V Ramesh, AP Massey
Communications of the ACM 46 (12), 53-56, 2003
Cultural differences in the online behavior of consumers
PYK Chau, M Cole, AP Massey, M Montoya-Weiss, RM O'Keefe
Communications of the ACM 45 (10), 138-143, 2002
Knowledge management in pursuit of performance: Insights from Nortel Networks
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, TM O'Driscoll
MIS quarterly, 269-289, 2002
New product development decision‐making effectiveness: Comparing individuals, face‐to‐face teams, and virtual teams
JB Schmidt, MM Montoya‐Weiss, AP Massey
Decision sciences 32 (4), 575-600, 2001
Because time matters: Temporal coordination in global virtual project teams
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, YT Hung
Journal of management information systems 19 (4), 129-155, 2003
Re-engineering the customer relationship: leveraging knowledge assets at IBM
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss, K Holcom
Decision Support Systems 32 (2), 155-170, 2001
Expectation confirmation: An examination of three competing models
SA Brown, V Venkatesh, J Kuruzovich, AP Massey
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 105 (1), 52-66, 2008
Unraveling the temporal fabric of knowledge conversion: A model of media selection and use
AP Massey, MM Montoya-Weiss
MIS quarterly, 99-114, 2006
Usability of online services: The role of technology readiness and context
AP Massey, V Khatri, MM Montoya‐Weiss
Decision Sciences 38 (2), 277-308, 2007
Can You Hear Me Now? Communication in Virtual Product Development Teams*
MM Montoya, AP Massey, YTC Hung, CB Crisp
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (2), 139-155, 2009
Collaboration engineering: foundations and opportunities: editorial to the special issue on the journal of the association of information systems
GJ De Vreede, RO Briggs, AP Massey
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 10 (3), 7, 2009
3D collaborative virtual environments: Exploring the link between collaborative behaviors and team performance
MM Montoya, AP Massey, NS Lockwood
Decision Sciences 42 (2), 451-476, 2011
When culture and style aren't about clothes: Perceptions of task-technology" fit" in global virtual teams
AP Massey, YTC Hung, M Montoya-Weiss, V Ramesh
Proceedings of the 2001 ACM International Conference on Supporting Group …, 2001
Understanding and facilitating group problem structuring and formulation: Mental representations, interaction, and representation aids
AP Massey, WA Wallace
Decision Support Systems 17 (4), 253-274, 1996
On‐line focus groups: conceptual issues and a research tool
MM Montoya‐Weiss, AP Massey, DL Clapper
European Journal of Marketing 32 (7/8), 713-723, 1998
Cultural perceptions of task-technology fit
AP Massey, M Montoya-Weiss, C Hung, V Ramesh
Communications of the ACM 44 (12), 83-84, 2001
From the user interface to the consumer interface: results from a global experiment
RM O'KEEFE, M Cole, PYK Chau, A Massey, M Montoya-Weiss, M Perry
International journal of human-computer studies 53 (4), 611-628, 2000
Design, development, and assessment of mobile applications: the case for problem-based learning
AP Massey, V Ramesh, V Khatri
IEEE Transactions on Education 49 (2), 183-192, 2006
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Articles 1–20