Nurlita Pertiwi
Nurlita Pertiwi
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Implementasi Sustainable Development di Indonesia
N Pertiwi
Global Research and Consulting Institute (GlobalRCI) 1 (1), 2017
DIFMOL: Indonesian students’ Hots and environmental education model during COVID-19
H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, SA Azwar, DA Purwandari, N Pertiwi, ...
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 15 (7), 10-19, 2020
The Development of Character Strengthening Implementation Guidelines for Students (Case Research: Students of the Faculty of Education, The State University of Makassar)
ES Sahabuddin, A Haling, N Pertiwi
Klasikal: Journal of Education, Language Teaching and Science 4 (1), 56-67, 2022
Knowledge and attitudes with family role in prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis in Maros, Indonesia
M Ardi, S Tahmir, N Pertiwi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012001, 2018
The effect of education level on farmer’s behavior eco-friendly to application in Gowa, Indonesia
AR Asrib, N Pertiwi, GD Dirawan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1028 (1), 012016, 2018
Ilmu Bahan Bangunan
P Panennungi, N Pertiwi
Badan Penerbit Universitas Negeri Makassar 1 (1), 2018
Conservation status of lontar palm trees (Borassus flabellifer Linn) in Jeneponto district, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
S SUKAMALUDDIN, M Mulyadi, GD Dirawan, F Amir, N Pertiwi
Journal of Tropical Crop Science 3 (1), 2016
Thinking level in education: a complete revision of Anderson’s taxonomy
IZ Ichsan, H Rahmayanti, A Purwanto, DV Sigit, E Kurniawan, A Tanjung, ...
Pedagogika/Pedagogy 141 (1), 53-78, 2021
Evaluation of the Impact of Video Media on Students’ Science Learning Outcomes
ES Sahabuddin, N Pertiwi
AL-ISHLAH: Jurnal Pendidikan 15 (2), 2336-2348, 2023
Dinamika Pertumbuhan Kawasan Permukiman Kota Jambi
C Nugroho, A Agustang, N Pertiwi
Jurnal Ilmiah Mandala Education 8 (1), 2022
Pengaruh gradasi agregat terhadap karakteristik beton segar
N Pertiwi
Jurnal Forum Bangunan 12 (1), 12-17, 2014
Sustainability of ecology and economic of urban farming development: case study in Makassar City, South Sulawesi Province
A Abdullah, GD Dirawan, N Pertiwi
Ecology, Environment and Conservation 23 (1), 125-130, 2017
Analisis Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan Andi Djemma Kota Makassar
A Arfandi, N Pertiwi, R Rahmatan
Jurnal Inovasi dan Pelayanan Publik Makassar 1 (1), 38-52, 2017
Penggunaan konsep ekohidrolik sebagai upaya pengendalian bencana wilayah pemukiman pada Sungai Lawo Kabupaten Soppeng
N Pertiwi, A Sapel, MJP Januar, IW Astika
Jurnal Forum Bangunan 9 (1), 26-33, 2011
Beton Ramah Lingkungan
IA Ahmad, N Pertiwi, NAS Taufieq
Makassar: Aguscorp, 2017
Pengaruh pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku masyarakat tehadap kegiatan urban farming
T Ulfa, N Pertiwi
UNM Environmental Journals 1 (4), 31-41, 2020
Garbage sorting games, DIFMOL, and ILMIZI: technology innovation for environmental learning of disaster mitigation
H Rahmayanti, IZ Ichsan, SA Azwar, V Oktaviani, VK Ladesi, N Pertiwi
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29 (5), 11255-11265, 2020
The competence of young entrepreneur candidate in university, Indonesia
R Haris, J Jasruddin, N Pertiwi
Journal of Entrepreneurship Education 21 (3), 1-9, 2018
Reliability of rice husk ash as substitution of Portland composite cement producing green concrete
N Pertiwi
Ecology, Environment and Conservation 24, S56-S63, 2018
Subjective norms adopted by the local community in preserving environment of settlement in the watershed, Mamasa
M Lullulangi, M Ardi, N Pertiwi, B Rauf, GD Dirawan
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 7 (5), 305-313, 2014
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Articles 1–20