Dimitris E. Anagnostou
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Cited by
Design, fabrication, and measurements of an RF-MEMS-based self-similar reconfigurable antenna
DE Anagnostou, G Zheng, MT Chryssomallis, JC Lyke, GE Ponchak, ...
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 54 (2), 422-432, 2006
A compact CSRR-enabled UWB diversity antenna
MS Khan, AD Capobianco, SM Asif, DE Anagnostou, RM Shubair, ...
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 16, 808-812, 2016
A printed log-periodic Koch-dipole array (LPKDA)
DE Anagnostou, J Papapolymerou, MM Tentzeris, CG Christodoulou
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 456-460, 2008
RF MEMS sequentially reconfigurable sierpinski antenna on a flexible organic substrate with novel DC-biasing technique
N Kingsley, DE Anagnostou, MM Tentzeris, J Papapolymerou
Microelectromechanical Systems, Journal of 16 (5), 1185-1192, 2007
A direct-write printed antenna on paper-based organic substrate for flexible displays and WLAN applications
DE Anagnostou, AA Gheethan, AK Amert, KW Whites
Journal of Display Technology 6 (11), 558-564, 2010
A self-adapting flexible (SELFLEX) antenna array for changing conformal surface applications
BD Braaten, S Roy, S Nariyal, M Al Aziz, NF Chamberlain, I Irfanullah, ...
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 61 (2), 655-665, 2012
Innovation in Wearable and Flexible Antennas
H Khaleel
Bandwidth enhancement of the resonant cavity antenna by using two dielectric superstrates
MA Al-Tarifi, DE Anagnostou, AK Amert, KW Whites
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 61 (4), 1898-1908, 2013
Reconfigurable UWB Antenna With RF-MEMS for On-Demand WLAN Rejection
DE Anagnostou, MT Chryssomallis, BD Braaten, J Ebel, N Sepúlveda
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 62 (2), 602 - 608, 2014
Ultra‐compact dual‐polarised UWB MIMO antenna with meandered feeding lines
MS Khan, AD Capobianco, A Iftikhar, RM Shubair, DE Anagnostou, ...
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation 11 (7), 997-1002, 2017
A coplanar reconfigurable folded slot antenna without bias network for WLAN applications
DE Anagnostou, AA Gheethan
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 8, 1057-1060, 2009
Dual band-reject UWB antenna with sharp rejection of narrow and closely-spaced bands
AA Gheethan, DE Anagnostou
IEEE transactions on antennas and propagation 60 (4), 2071-2076, 2012
A wide-angle scanning planar phased array with pattern reconfigurable magnetic current element
X Ding, YF Cheng, W Shao, H Li, BZ Wang, DE Anagnostou
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 65 (3), 1434-1439, 2016
Applications of neural networks in wireless communications
A Patnaik, DE Anagnostou, RK Mishra, JC Lyke
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 46 (3), 130-137, 2004
Eight-element compact UWB-MIMO/diversity antenna with WLAN band rejection for 3G/4G/5G communications
MS Khan, A Iftikhar, RM Shubair, AD Capobianco, BD Braaten, ...
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and propagation 1, 196-206, 2020
Phase-Compensated Conformal Antennas for Changing Spherical Surfaces
B Braaten, S Roy, I Irfanullah, S Nariyal, D Anagnostou
Antennas and Propagation, IEEE Transactions on 62 (4), 1880 - 1887, 2014
FPGA-controlled switch-reconfigured antenna
S Shelley, J Costantine, CG Christodoulou, DE Anagnostou, JC Lyke
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 9, 355-358, 2010
Reduced size planar log-periodic dipole arrays (LPDAs) using rectangular meander line elements
AA Gheethan, DE Anagnostou
2008 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, 1-4, 2008
Neurocomputational analysis of a multiband reconfigurable planar antenna
A Patnaik, D Anagnostou, CG Christodoulou, JC Lyke
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 53 (11), 3453-3458, 2005
Reconfigurable Bowtie Antenna using Metal-Insulator Transition in Vanadium Dioxide.
T Teeslink, D Torres, J Ebel, N Sepulveda, D Anagnostou
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE, 2015
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Articles 1–20