Jantien Smit
Jantien Smit
Hogeschool Utrecht (University of Applied Sciences)
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Cited by
A conceptualisation of whole‐class scaffolding
J Smit, H AA van Eerde, A Bakker
British Educational Research Journal 39 (5), 817-834, 2013
Scaffolding and dialogic teaching in mathematics education: Introduction and review
A Bakker, J Smit, R Wegerif
Zdm 47, 1047-1065, 2015
Teacher preparedness for inclusive education
JF Hay, J Smit, M Paulsen
South African Journal of Education 21 (4), 213-218, 2001
A teacher’s learning process in dual design research: Learning to scaffold language in a multilingual mathematics classroom
J Smit, HAA Van Eerde
ZDM 43, 889-900, 2011
Scaffolding tertiary students’ writing in a genre-based writing intervention.
C Kuiper, J Smit, L De Wachter, J Elen
Journal of Writing Research 9 (1), 27-59, 2017
What counts as evidence for the long-term realisation of whole-class scaffolding?
J Smit, D van Eerde
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 2 (1), 22-31, 2013
Scaffolding language in multilingual mathematics classrooms
J Smit
Utrecht University, 2013
Scaffolding primary teachers in designing and enacting language-oriented science lessons: Is handing over to independence a fata morgana?
J Smit, M Gijsel, A Hotze, A Bakker
Learning, Culture and Social Interaction 18, 72-85, 2018
Using genre pedagogy to promote student proficiency in the language required for interpreting line graphs
J Smit, A Bakker, D Van Eerde, M Kuijpers
Mathematics Education Research Journal 28, 457-478, 2016
Theory development in design-based research: An example about scaffolding mathematical language
A Bakker, J Smit
Making Change Happen: Wandel im Fachunterricht analysieren und gestalten …, 2017
Magnesium deficiency as the cause of injury in cereals
J Smit, EG Mulder
Veenman, 1942
Scaffolding and dialogic teaching in mathematics education: Introduction and review. ZDM, 47 (7), 1047-1065
A Bakker, J Smit, R Wegerif
Grounded theory methodology in IS research: Glaser vs. Strauss
J Smit
South African computer journal 24, 219-222, 1999
Meertaligheid in primair en voortgezet onderwijs: een stand van zaken en curriculaire aanbevelingen
N Nederlof, J Smit
SLO, nationaal expertisecentrum leerplan-ontwikkeling, 2018
Zur Kenntniss des Cyanamids. Methoden zur Entschweflung
E Mulder, JAR Smit
Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft 7 (2), 1634-1637, 1874
Biological estimation of copper and magnesium in soils and plants
J Smit, EG Mulder
Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays‐Bas 59 (7), 623-628, 1940
Inclusive STEM Teaching from a Language Perspective: Teacher Learning in a Professional Development Program.
J Smit, LB Chisari, M Kouns, AB Øyehaug, E Savelsbergh, M Hajer
European Journal of STEM Education 8 (1), 7, 2023
Taalverschillen in de klas: Hoe besteed je als leraar aandacht aan de moedertaal van leerlingen in de klas?
SC Leufkens, J Smit, M Mol
Tijdschrift taal voor opleiders en onderwijsadviseurs 9 (13), 18-21, 2018
Foutenleer en statistiek
BT Berendts, HJA Blaauw, BJM Harmsen, JC Smit, SH Tijs
Agon Elsevier, Amsterdam/Brussel, 1973
In alle talen
J Smit, KL en Innoveren
Hoe een meertalige aanpak ons onderwijs toegankelijker, rijker en eerlijker …, 2022
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Articles 1–20