Domenico Monaco
Cited by
Cited by
Optimal decay of Wannier functions in Chern and Quantum Hall insulators
D Monaco, G Panati, A Pisante, S Teufel
Communications in Mathematical Physics 359 (1), 61-100, 2018
Z_2 Invariants of Topological Insulators as Geometric Obstructions
D Fiorenza, D Monaco, G Panati
Communications in Mathematical Physics 343 (3), 1115-1157, 2016
Construction of real-valued localized composite Wannier functions for insulators
D Fiorenza, D Monaco, G Panati
Annales Henri Poincaré 17 (1), 63-97, 2016
Adiabatic currents for interacting fermions on a lattice
D Monaco, S Teufel
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 31 (03), 1950009, 2019
Wannier functions and Z_2 invariants in time-reversal symmetric topological insulators
HD Cornean, D Monaco, S Teufel
Reviews in Mathematical Physics 29 (2), 1730001, 2017
Symmetry and localization in periodic crystals: triviality of Bloch bundles with a fermionic time-reversal symmetry
D Monaco, G Panati
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 137 (1), 185-203, 2015
The Haldane model and its localization dichotomy
G Marcelli, D Monaco, M Moscolari, G Panati
arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.03298, 2019
On the construction of Wannier functions in topological insulators: the 3D case
HD Cornean, D Monaco
Annales Henri Poincaré 18 (12), 3863-3902, 2017
Gauge-theoretic invariants for topological insulators: a bridge between Berry, Wess–Zumino, and Fu–Kane–Mele
D Monaco, C Tauber
Letters in Mathematical Physics, 1-29, 2017
Beyond Diophantine Wannier diagrams: Gap labelling for Bloch–Landau Hamiltonians
H Cornean, D Monaco, M Moscolari
Journal of the European Mathematical Society 23 (11), 3679-3705, 2021
Chern and Fu–Kane–Mele invariants as topological obstructions
D Monaco
Advances in Quantum Mechanics: Contemporary Trends and Open Problems, 201-222, 2017
Spin Hall conductivity in insulators with nonconserved spin
D Monaco, L Ulčakar
Physical Review B 102 (12), 125138, 2020
Parseval frames of exponentially localized magnetic Wannier functions
HD Cornean, D Monaco, M Moscolari
Communications in Mathematical Physics 371 (3), 1179-1230, 2019
Topological Invariants of Eigenvalue Intersections and Decrease of Wannier Functions in Graphene
D Monaco, G Panati
Journal of Statistical Physics 155 (6), 1027-1071, 2014
Localised Wannier functions in metallic systems
HD Cornean, D Gontier, A Levitt, D Monaco
Annales Henri Poincaré 20 (4), 1367-1391, 2019
Purely linear response of the quantum Hall current to space-adiabatic perturbations
G Marcelli, D Monaco
Letters in Mathematical Physics 112 (5), 1-22, 2022
Symmetric Fermi projections and Kitaev’s table: Topological phases of matter in low dimensions
D Gontier, D Monaco, S Perrin-Roussel
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (4), 041902, 2022
Středa formula for charge and spin currents
D Monaco, M Moscolari
arXiv, arXiv: 2002.02419, 2020
The Localization Dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems
D Monaco, G Panati, A Pisante, S Teufel
arXiv preprint arXiv:1612.09557, 2016
From charge to spin: analogies and differences in quantum transport coefficients
G Marcelli, D Monaco
Journal of Mathematical Physics 63 (7), 072102, 2022
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Articles 1–20