Gerhard Strydom
Gerhard Strydom
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Understanding the reaction of nuclear graphite with molecular oxygen: Kinetics, transport, and structural evolution
JJ Kane, CI Contescu, RE Smith, G Strydom, WE Windes
Journal of Nuclear Materials 493, 343-367, 2017
The PBMR steady-state and coupled kinetics core thermal-hydraulics benchmark test problems
F Reitsma, G Strydom, JBM De Haas, K Ivanov, B Tyobeka, R Mphahlele, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 236 (5-6), 657-668, 2006
Comparison of the PHISICS/RELAP5-3D ring and block model results for phase I of the OECD/NEA MHTGR-350 benchmark
G Strydom, AS Epiney, A Alfonsi, C Rabiti
Nuclear Technology 193 (1), 15-35, 2016
Validation of the DALTON-THERMIX code system with transient analyses of the HTR-10 and application to the PBMR
B Boer, D Lathouwers, JL Kloosterman, T Van Der Hagen, G Strydom
Nuclear technology 170 (2), 306-321, 2010
Advanced demonstration and test reactor options study
DA Petti, R Hill, J Gehin, HD Gougar, G Strydom, F Heidet, J Kinsey, ...
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2017
A summary of the Department of Energy’s advanced demonstration and test reactor options study
D Petti, R Hill, J Gehin, H Gougar, G Strydom, T O’Connor, F Heidet, ...
Nuclear Technology 199 (2), 111-128, 2017
The US Department of Energy’s high temperature reactor research and development program–Progress as of 2019
HD Gougar, DA Petti, PA Demkowicz, WE Windes, G Strydom, JC Kinsey, ...
Nuclear Engineering and Design 358, 110397, 2020
Role of nuclear grade graphite in controlling oxidation in modular HTGRs
W Windes, G Strydom, J Kane, R Smith
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2014
Prismatic coupled neutronics/thermal fluids transient benchmark of the MHTGR-350 MW core design: benchmark definition
J Ortensi, M Pope, G Strydom
draft version July 16, 2013
IAEA Coordinated Research Project on HTGR Physics, Thermal-Hydraulics, and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis Prismatic HTGR Benchmark Specification: Phase II
G Strydom
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2018
Nuclear data uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of the VHTRC benchmark using SCALE
F Bostelmann, G Strydom
Annals of Nuclear Energy 110, 317-329, 2017
The IAEA Coordinated Research Program on HTGR Reactor Physics, Thermal-Hydraulics and Depletion Uncertainty Analysis: Description of the Benchmark Test Cases and Phases
F Reitsma, G Strydom, B Tyobeka, K Ivanov
Fully Ceramic Microencapsulated fuel in prismatic high-temperature gas-cooled reactors: Sensitivity of reactor behavior during design basis accidents to fuel properties and the …
C Lu, T Koyanagi, Y Katoh, G Strydom, KA Terrani, NR Brown
Nuclear Engineering and Design 345, 125-147, 2019
TINTE uncertainty analysis of the maximum fuel temperature during a DLOFC event for the 400 MW Pebble Bed Modular Reactor
G Strydom
American Nuclear Society, 555 North Kensington Avenue, La Grange Park, IL …, 2004
Prismatic Coupled Neutronics/Thermal Fluids Transient Benchmark of the MHTGR-350 MW Core Design: Benchmark Definition
H Gougar, J Ortensi, MA Pope, S Sen, G Strydom, V Seker, B Collins, ...
Idaho National Laboratory, 2010
PBMR coupled neutronics/thermal hydraulics transient benchmark the PBMR-400 core design
F Reitsma, K Ivanov, T Downar, H de Hass, S Sen, G Strydom, ...
NEA/NSC/DOC (2007) Draft-V07, OECD/NEA/NSC, 2007
PHISICS multi-group transport neutronic capabilities for RELAP5
A Epiney, C Rabiti, A Alfonsi, Y Wang, J Cogliati, G Strydom
Proc. 2012 ICAPP 12, 24-28, 2012
Criticality calculations of the very high temperature reactor critical assembly benchmark with serpent and SCALE/KENO-VI
F Bostelmann, HR Hammer, J Ortensi, G Strydom, K Velkov, W Zwermann
Annals of Nuclear Energy 90, 343-352, 2016
High Temperature Gas-Cooled Test Reactor Point Design: Summary Report
JW Sterbentz, PD Bayless, LO Nelson, HD Gougar, J Kinsey, G Strydom
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2016
Discrete element simulation of Pebble Bed Reactors on graphics processing units
D Reger, E Merzari, P Balestra, R Stewart, G Strydom
Annals of Nuclear Energy 190, 109896, 2023
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Articles 1–20