Sylvain Turenne
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Cited by
Effect of heat treatment and hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Inconel 625 alloy processed by laser powder bed fusion
A Kreitcberg, V Brailovski, S Turenne
Materials Science and Engineering: A 689, 1-10, 2017
On the lattice parameters of phases in binary Ti–Ni shape memory alloys
SD Prokoshkin, AV Korotitskiy, V Brailovski, S Turenne, IY Khmelevskaya, ...
Acta Materialia 52 (15), 4479-4492, 2004
Surface finish control of additively-manufactured Inconel 625 components using combined chemical-abrasive flow polishing
N Mohammadian, S Turenne, V Brailovski
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 252, 728-738, 2018
Elevated temperature mechanical behavior of IN625 alloy processed by laser powder-bed fusion
A Kreitcberg, V Brailovski, S Turenne
Materials Science and Engineering: A 700, 540-553, 2017
The effect of sand concentration on the erosion of materials by a slurry jet
S Turenne, M Fiset, J Masounave
Wear 133 (1), 95-106, 1989
The effect of abrasive particle size on the slurry erosion resistance of particulate-reinforced aluminium alloy
S Turenne, Y Chatigny, D Simard, S Caron, J Masounave
Wear 141 (1), 147-158, 1990
Matrix microstructure effect on the abrasion wear resistance of high-chromium white cast iron
S Turenne, F Lavallee, J Masounave
Journal of materials science 24, 3021-3028, 1989
Numerical simulation of the thermomechanical behavior of extruded bismuth telluride alloy module
T Clin, S Turenne, D Vasilevskiy, RA Masut
Journal of Electronic Materials 38, 994-1001, 2009
Finite element thermomechanical modeling of large area thermoelectric generators based on bismuth telluride alloys
S Turenne, T Clin, D Vasilevskiy, RA Masut
Journal of electronic materials 39, 1926-1933, 2010
Characteristics of porous nickel‐titanium alloys for medical applications
R Hernandez, S Polizu, S Turenne, LH Yahia
Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering 12 (1), 37-45, 2002
Microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed-fused IN625 alloy
K Inaekyan, A Kreitcberg, S Turenne, V Brailovski
Materials Science and Engineering: A 768, 138481, 2019
Numerical simulation of performance and thermomechanical behavior of thermoelectric modules with segmented bismuth-telluride-based legs
M Picard, S Turenne, D Vasilevskiy, RA Masut
Journal of electronic materials 42, 2343-2349, 2013
Influence of structural parameters on the slurry erosion resistance of squeeze-cast metal matrix composites
S Turenne, D Simard, M Fiset
Wear 149 (1-2), 187-197, 1991
Impact of binders on viscosity of low-pressure powder injection molded Inconel 718 superalloy
V Demers, S Turenne, O Scalzo
Journal of Materials Science 50, 2893-2902, 2015
Evaluation of friction conditions in powder compaction for admixed and die wall lubrication
S Turenne, C Godere, Y Thomas, Mongeon P.-É.
Powder metallurgy 42 (3), 263-268, 1999
Generation of nanosized particles during mechanical alloying and their evolution through the hot extrusion process in bismuth-telluride-based alloys
D Vasilevskiy, MS Dawood, JP Masse, S Turenne, RA Masut
Journal of electronic materials 39, 1890-1896, 2010
p-Type Bismuth Telluride-Based Composite Thermoelectric Materials Produced by Mechanical Alloying and Hot Extrusion
MK Keshavarz, D Vasilevskiy, RA Masut, S Turenne
Journal of electronic materials 42, 1429-1435, 2013
Extruded Bismuth-Telluride-Based n-Type Alloys for Waste Heat Thermoelectric Recovery Applications
C André, D Vasilevskiy, S Turenne, RA Masut
Journal of electronic materials 38 (7), 1061-1067, 2009
Solidification behavior of inconel 713LC gas turbine blades during electron beam welding
MK Keshavarz, S Turenne, A Bonakdar
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 31, 232-239, 2018
Thermoelectric and Mechanical Properties of Novel Hot-Extruded PbTe n-Type Material
D Vasilevskiy, RA Masut, S Turenne
Journal of electronic materials 41, 1057-1061, 2012
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