High-resolution slow-light fiber Bragg grating temperature sensor with phase-sensitive detection A Arora, M Esmaeelpour, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet Optics Letters 43 (14), 3337-3340, 2018 | 66 | 2018 |
Slow light in fiber Bragg gratings and its applications G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, M Digonnet Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 49 (46), 463001, 2016 | 51 | 2016 |
Demonstration of anti-Stokes cooling in Yb-doped ZBLAN fibers at atmospheric pressure J Knall, A Arora, M Bernier, S Cozic, MJF Digonnet Optics Letters 44 (9), 2338-2341, 2019 | 26 | 2019 |
Photonics sensing at the thermodynamic limit G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet Optics Letters 42 (10), 2018-2021, 2017 | 21 | 2017 |
Measuring attostrains in a slow-light fiber Bragg grating G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet SPIE OPTO, 976317-976317-10, 2016 | 21 | 2016 |
Slowing down light to 300 km/s in a deuterium-loaded fiber Bragg grating G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet Optics letters 40 (7), 1524-1527, 2015 | 15 | 2015 |
Experimental investigations of spectroscopy and anti-Stokes fluorescence cooling in Yb-doped silicate fibers JM Knall, A Arora, PD Dragic, J Ballato, M Cavillon, T Hawkins, S Jiang, ... Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications 10936, 40-49, 2019 | 14 | 2019 |
Anti-Stokes fluorescence cooling in Yb-doped ZBLAN fibers at atmospheric pressure: experiments and near-future prospects JM Knall, A Arora, M Bernier, M Digonnet Photonic Heat Engines: Science and Applications 10936, 40-48, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
High Purcell factor in fiber Bragg gratings utilizing the fundamental slow-light mode G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet Optics Letters 40 (15), 3440-3443, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
High-Resolution Slow-Light Fiber-Bragg-Grating Microphone and Hydrophone A Arora, AN Zawada, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet IEEE Sensors Journal, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
High-resolution Temperature and Acoustic Pressure Sensors Utilizing Slow-light Fiber Bragg Gratings A Arora Stanford University | Download at https://purl.stanford.edu/tb109cv4548, 2019 | 2 | 2019 |
Observation of thermodynamic phase noise using a slow-light resonance in a fiber Bragg grating G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, M Digonnet SPIE OPTO, 1011919-1011919-8, 2017 | 2 | 2017 |
Strong slow-light resonances in apodized deuterium-loaded femtosecond FBGs G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, MJF Digonnet Slow Light, Fast Light, and Opto-Atomic Precision Metrology VIII 9378, 22-29, 2015 | 2 | 2015 |
Predicting a fiber Bragg grating's parameters from its transmission spectrum using deep learning A Arora cs230. stanford. edu, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
In-situ fiber temperature sensor for anti-Stokes cooling measurements in doped fibers A Arora, M Esmaeelpour, JM Knall, JS Frenière, T Boilard, M Bernier, ... Proc. SPIE 10550, Optical and Electronic Cooling of Solids III, 105500M (11 …, 2018 | | 2018 |
Innovative fiber devices based on femtosecond fiber Bragg gratings M Bernier, F Trépanier, G Skolianos, A Arora, MJF Digonnet Photonics North 2015, Ottawa, Canada (Invited), 2015 | | 2015 |
VITESSE DE GROUPE DE 450 KM/S DANS UN FORT RESEAU APODISE G Skolianos, A Arora, M Bernier, R Vallée, MJF Digonnet Les Journées Nationales d'Optique Guidée, Nice, 2014, 2014 | | 2014 |
Encoding the natural response of primate retina N Bhaskhar, AS Yalamarthy, A Arora | | |