Hani Nawafleh
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Cited by
Suicidal behavior and psychological distress in university students: a 12-nation study
M Eskin, JM Sun, J Abuidhail, K Yoshimasu, O Kujan, M Janghorbani, ...
Archives of suicide research 20 (3), 369-388, 2016
Cross‐national comparisons of attitudes towards suicide and suicidal persons in university students from 12 countries
M Eskin, O Kujan, M Voracek, A Shaheen, MG Carta, JM Sun, C Flood, ...
Scandinavian journal of psychology 57 (6), 554-563, 2016
The role of religion in suicidal behavior, attitudes and psychological distress among university students: A multinational study
M Eskin, S Poyrazli, M Janghorbani, S Bakhshi, MG Carta, MF Moro, ...
Transcultural psychiatry 56 (5), 853-877, 2019
The relationship between time pressure and burnout syndrome: a cross-sectional survey among Jordanian nurses
MW Darawad, H Nawafleh, M Maharmeh, AM Hamdan-Mansour, ...
Health 7 (01), 14, 2015
Psychosocial predictors of anger among university students
AM Hamdan-Mansour, LA Dardas, H Nawafleh, MH Abu-Asba
Children and Youth Services Review 34 (2), 474-479, 2012
Smoking patterns among Jordanian health professionals: a study about the impediments to tobacco control in Jordan
K Shishani, H Nawafleh, S Jarrah, ES Froelicher
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 10 (4), 221-227, 2011
Nursing care and quality of life among Jordanian patients with cancer
MM Ahmad, JA Alasad, H Nawafleh
Leadership in Health Services 23 (3), 233-243, 2010
Investigating needle stick injuries: Incidence, knowledge and perception among South Jordanian nursing students
HA Nawafleh, S El Abozead, MM Al Momani, H Aaraj
J Nurs Educ Pract 8 (4), 59-69, 2017
Jordanian nurses' and physicians' learning needs for promoting smoking cessation
K Shishani, H Nawafleh, ES Froelicher
Progress in Cardiovascular Nursing 23 (2), 79-83, 2008
Pulmonary function test: The value among smokers and nonsmokers
HA Nawafleh, SASA Zead
Health science journal 6 (4), 703, 2012
The influence of HIV/AIDS on the practice of primary care nurses in Jordan: rhetoric and reality
H Nawafleh, K Francis, Y Chapman
International Journal of Nursing Practice 11 (5), 200-205, 2005
Knowledge and practices of Jordanian nurses on needlestick injuries: An evaluative study
SES Abozead, M Abuhasheesh, H Nawafleh, MM Kawafha, ...
Infectious Diseases in Clinical Practice 23 (1), 21-25, 2015
The effect of health education programs for parents about breakfast on students' breakfast and their academic achievement in the north of Jordan
MM Kawafheh, FR Hamdan, SES Abozeid, H Nawafleh
International Journal of Advanced Nursing Studies 3 (2), 84, 2014
Prevalence of aggressive behaviours among inpatients with psychiatric disorders: A case study analysis from J ordan
AY Al‐Sagarat, AM Hamdan‐Mansour, F Al‐Sarayreh, H Nawafleh, ...
Nursing & Health Sciences 18 (2), 172-179, 2016
iMedPub Journals
H Nawafleh, M Al-Momani, L Al-Hadid, W al-Amarat
Health Science Journal 10 (6), 478, 2016
Understanding Jordanian women’s values and beliefs related to breast cancer: A focused ethnography
K Salman, R Zoucha, H Nawafleh
Journal of Transcultural Nursing 29 (2), 139-145, 2018
Prevalence and correlates of substance use among psychiatric inpatients
AM Hamdan‐Mansour, AY Al‐Sagarat, F AL‐Sarayreh, H Nawafleh, ...
Perspectives in psychiatric care 54 (2), 149-155, 2018
Population Prevalence of Asthma in Ma'an Governorate, Jordan
AM Al Hroob, H Nawafleh, KI Altaif
Health Science Journal 10 (2), 1, 2016
The incidence and circumstances of needle sticks injury (NSI) among Arab nurses students: Comparative study
HA Nawafleh, S El Abozead, FR Mohamed, AM Ahmed, KI Altaif, ...
Health Science Journal 13 (2), 1-6, 2019
The impact of nursing leadership and management on the control of HIV/AIDS: an ethnographic study
H Nawafleh, K Francis, Y Chapman
Contemporary nurse 42 (2), 247-257, 2012
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Articles 1–20