Sudip Kumar Sarkar
Sudip Kumar Sarkar
MSD, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre & PDRA, University of North Texas, USA
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Giant magnetocaloric effect from reverse martensitic transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga-Cu ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
SK Sarkar, Sarita, PD Babu, A Biswas, V Siruguri, M Krishnan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 670, 281-288, 2016
Electric current induced precipitation in maraging steel
R Kapoor, S Sunil, GB Reddy, S Nagaraju, TS Kolge, SK Sarkar, A Biswas, ...
Scripta Materialia 154, 16-19, 2018
Organic–Inorganic Composite Films Based on Gd3Ga3Al2O12:Ce Scintillator Nanoparticles for X-ray Imaging Applications
S Sen, M Tyagi, K Sharma, PS Sarkar, S Sarkar, CB Basak, S Pitale, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (42), 37310-37320, 2017
Hot deformation behavior of Ni–Fe–Ga-based ferromagnetic shape memory alloy–A study using processing map
A Biswas, G Singh, SK Sarkar, M Krishnan, U Ramamurty
Intermetallics 54, 69-78, 2014
Neutron diffraction evidence for kinetic arrest of first-order magneto-structural phase transitions in some functional magnetic materials
V Siruguri, PD Babu, SD Kaushik, A Biswas, SK Sarkar, K Madangopal, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (49), 496011, 2013
Wonderful nanoconfinement effect on redox reaction equilibrium
Sabyasachi Patra, Ashok Kumar Pandey,Sudip Kumar Sarkar and Asok Goswami
RSC Advances 4 (63), 33366-33369, 2014
Temporal evolution of coherent precipitates in an aluminum alloy W319: A correlative anisotropic small angle X-ray scattering, transmission electron microscopy and atom-probe …
A Biswas, D Sen, SK Sarkar, S Mazumder, DN Seidman
Acta Materialia 116, 219-230, 2016
Effect of partial substitution of Fe by Mn in Ni55Fe19Ga26 on its microstructure and magnetic properties
SK Sarkar, A Biswas, PD Babu, SD Kaushik, A Srivastava, V Siruguri, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 586, 515-523, 2014
Magnetic ordering of the martensite phase in Ni–Co–Mn–Sn-based ferromagnetic shape memory alloys
SK Sarkar, S Ahlawat, SD Kaushik, PD Babu, D Sen, D Honecker, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (11), 115801, 2019
The anisotropy of serrated flow behavior of Al-Cu-Li (AA2198) alloy
N Nayan, SVS Narayana Murty, R Sarkar, AK Mukhopadhyay, S Ahlawat, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50, 5066-5078, 2019
Revisiting temporal evolution of Cu-rich precipitates in Fe–Cu alloy: Correlative small angle neutron scattering and atom-probe tomography studies
S Ahlawat, SK Sarkar, D Sen, A Biswas
Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 (4), 840-848, 2019
Improvement of high current performance of Li ion batteries with TiO2 thin film anodes by transition metal doping
V Bhasin, KK Halankar, A Biswas, SK Ghosh, SK Sarkar, SN Jha, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 942, 169118, 2023
Temporal evolution of γ′ precipitate in HAYNES 282 during ageing: growth and coarsening kinetics, solute partitioning and lattice misfit
S Mukherjee, BP Sahu, SK Sarkar, S Ahlawat, A Biswas, GK Mandal, ...
Materialia 26, 101633, 2022
Delamination of pearlitic steel wires: The defining role of prior-drawing microstructure
A Durgaprasad, S Giri, S Lenka, SK Sarkar, A Biswas, S Kundu, S Mishra, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49, 2037-2047, 2018
Quantitative evaluation of spinodal decomposition in thermally aged binary Fe-35 at.% Cr alloys by correlative atom probe tomography and small angle neutron scattering analyses
SK Sarkar, D Shinde, A Das, D Ray, D Sen, A Biswas
Materialia 15, 101014, 2021
Phenomenal effect of stable (Ti, Mo) C nano-sized precipitates in retarding the recrystallization and grain growth in high-strength ferritic steel
P Modak, A Mandal, R Gupta, A Karmakar, SK Sarkar, S Ahlawat, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1-17, 2022
Ultra-high strength steel made from AISI 304L using a novel thermo-mechanical processing technique
S Sunil, R Kapoor, SK Sarkar, A Biswas, H Donthula, D Sen
Acta Materialia 221, 117379, 2021
Nucleation–Growth Versus Spinodal Decomposition in Fe–Cr Alloys: An Experimental Verification by Atom Probe Tomography and Small Angle Neutron Scattering
SK Sarkar, D Ray, D Sen, A Biswas
Microscopy and Microanalysis 29 (2), 437-450, 2023
Co-evolution of point defects and Cr-rich nano-phase in binary Fe-20 at.% Cr alloy: A comprehensive investigation using positron annihilation spectroscopy and atom probe tomography
SK Sarkar, P Maheshwari, PK Pujari, A Biswas
Acta Materialia 268, 119740, 2024
Confinement Driven Anomalous Freezing in Nano Porous Spray Dried Microspheres
PB ,D Sen, M Prasher, Sudip Kumar Sarkar, Kinshuk Dasgupta
Nanotechnology 32, 385707, 2021
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