David Rain
David Rain
Associate Professor of Geography & International Affairs
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Eaters of the dry season: Circular labor migration in the west African Sahel
D Rain
Routledge, 2018
Accra Ghana: A city vulnerable to flooding and drought-induced migration
D Rain, R Engstrom, C Ludlow, S Antos
Case study prepared for cities and climate Change: Global Report on Human …, 2011
Connecting the dots between health, poverty and place in Accra, Ghana
JR Weeks, A Getis, DA Stow, AG Hill, D Rain, R Engstrom, J Stoler, ...
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102 (5), 932-941, 2012
Neighborhoods and fertility in Accra, Ghana: An AMOEBA-based approach
JR Weeks, A Getis, AG Hill, S Agyei-Mensah, D Rain
Annals of the Association of American Geographers 100 (3), 558-578, 2010
Identifying population vulnerable to hydrological hazards in San Juan, Puerto Rico
D Azar, D Rain
GeoJournal 69, 23-43, 2007
Defining neighborhood boundaries for urban health research in developing countries: A case study of Accra, Ghana
R Engstrom, C Ofiesh, D Rain, H Jewell, J Weeks
Journal of Maps 9 (1), 36-42, 2013
Population density vs. urban population: comparative GIS studies in China, India, and the United States
JF Long, DR Rain, MR Ratcliffe
session S68 on “Population Applications of Spatial Analysis Systems (SIS …, 2001
Commuting directionality, a functional measure for metropolitan and nonmetropolitan area standards
DR Rain
Urban Geography 20 (8), 749-767, 1999
Using remotely sensed data to map variability in health and wealth indicators in Accra, Ghana
R Engstrom, E Ashcroft, H Jewell, D Rain
2011 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, 145-148, 2011
Measuring population pressure on the landscape: comparative GIS studies in China, India, and the United States
DR Rain, JF Long, MR Ratcliffe
Population and Environment 28, 321-336, 2007
Towards settlement science: a research agenda for urban geography
DR Rain
GeoJournal 69 (1), 1-8, 2007
Agency, access, and Anopheles: neighborhood health perceptions and the implications for community health interventions in Accra, Ghana
MM Jankowska, J Stoler, C Ofiesh, D Rain, JR Weeks
Global health action 8 (1), 26492, 2015
Eaters of the Dry Season: Circular Labour in the West African Sahel
D Rain
Westview Press: Colorado, 1999
Damascus: A Geographical Field Note
D Rain
Geographical Review 99 (1), 94-104, 2009
Background paper for chapter 4 of Cities and climate change 2011: Global report on human settlements
D Rain, R Engstrom, C Ludlow, S Antos
Nairobi, Kenya: UN-Habitat, 2011
The women of Kano: internalized stress and the conditions of reproduction, Northern Nigeria
D Rain
GeoJournal 43, 175-187, 1997
Defining neighborhood boundaries for urban health research: a case study of Accra, Ghana
R Engstrom, C Ofiesh, D Rain, H Jewell, JR Weeks
Spatial Inequalities: Health, Poverty, and Place in Accra, Ghana, 27-38, 2013
Eaters of the dry season: the changing worlds of circular labor migration in Maradi
DR Rain
Niger, West Africa, Pennsylvania State University, 1997
Migrations and Mobilities in Sahelian West Africa
DR Rain
Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History, 2024
The Lost Art of Finding Our Way. By John Edward Huth
DR Rain
Geographical Review 104 (1), 118-120, 2014
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Articles 1–20