Raghavan Rangarajan
Raghavan Rangarajan
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The angular dependence of the three point correlation function of the cosmic microwave background radiation as predicted by inflationary cosmologies
T Falk, R Rangarajan, M Srednicki
Astrophysical Journal 403, L1, 1993
The angular dependence of the three-point correlation function of the cosmic microwave background radiation as predicted by inflationary cosmologies
T Falk, R Rangarajan, M Srednicki
arXiv preprint astro-ph/9208001, 1992
New supersymmetric contributions to
JL Lopez, DV Nanopoulos, R Rangarajan
Physical Review D 56 (5), 3100, 1997
Optimal structures for classical wave localization: an alternative to the ioffe-regel criterion
S John, R Rangarajan
Physical Review B 38 (14), 10101, 1988
Baryogenesis during reheating in natural inflation and comments on spontaneous baryogenesis
A Dolgov, K Freese, R Rangarajan, M Srednicki
Physical Review D 56 (10), 6155, 1997
Features in the primordial spectrum from WMAP: a wavelet analysis
A Shafieloo, T Souradeep, P Manimaran, PK Panigrahi, R Rangarajan
Physical Review D 75 (12), 123502, 2007
Temperature of the inflaton and duration of inflation from wilkinson microwave anisotropy probe data
K Bhattacharya, S Mohanty, R Rangarajan
Physical review letters 96 (12), 121302, 2006
Falsifying leptogenesis for a TeV scale at the LHC
M Dhuria, C Hati, R Rangarajan, U Sarkar
Physical Review D 92 (3), 031701, 2015
Revisiting CMB constraints on warm inflation
R Arya, A Dasgupta, G Goswami, J Prasad, R Rangarajan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2018 (02), 043, 2018
Enhanced supersymmetric corrections to top-quark production at the Fermilab Tevatron
J Kim, JL Lopez, DV Nanopoulos, R Rangarajan
Physical Review D 54 (7), 4364, 1996
Dependence of density perturbations on the coupling constant in a simple model of inflation
T Falk, R Rangarajan, M Srednicki
Physical Review D 46 (10), 4232, 1992
Revisiting a pre-inflationary radiation era and its effect on the CMB power spectrum
S Das, G Goswami, J Prasad, R Rangarajan
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (06), 001, 2015
Power spectrum generated during inflation
M Bastero-Gil, A Berera, N Mahajan, R Rangarajan
Physical Review D 87 (8), 087302, 2013
Explaining the CMS e e j j and e p T j j excess and leptogenesis in superstring inspired E 6 models
M Dhuria, C Hati, R Rangarajan, U Sarkar
Physical Review D 91 (5), 055010, 2015
Leptogenesis with heavy Majorana neutrinos reexamined
R Rangarajan, H Mishra
Physical Review D 61 (4), 043509, 2000
Light-gravitino production at hadron colliders
J Kim, JL Lopez, DV Nanopoulos, R Rangarajan, A Zichichi
Physical Review D 57 (1), 373, 1998
Study of warm inflationary models and their parameter estimation from CMB
R Arya, R Rangarajan
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.03107, 2018
Inflationary baryogenesis
R Rangarajan, DV Nanopoulos
Physical Review D 64 (6), 063511, 2001
Thawing quintessence from the inflationary epoch to today
G Gupta, R Rangarajan, AA Sen
Physical Review D 92 (12), 123003, 2015
The eejj excess signal at the LHC and constraints on leptogenesis
M Dhuria, C Hati, R Rangarajan, U Sarkar
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2015 (09), 035, 2015
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Articles 1–20