Sergei Vlasov
Sergei Vlasov
ITMO University, University of Iceland
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Cited by
Duplication, collapse, and escape of magnetic skyrmions revealed using a systematic saddle point search method
GP Müller, PF Bessarab, SM Vlasov, F Lux, NS Kiselev, S Blügel, ...
Physical review letters 121 (19), 197202, 2018
Real-space observation of skyrmion clusters with mutually orthogonal skyrmion tubes
HRO Sohn, SM Vlasov, VM Uzdin, AO Leonov, II Smalyukh
Physical review B 100 (10), 104401, 2019
Skyrmion flop transition and congregation of mutually orthogonal skyrmions in cubic helimagnets
SM Vlasov, VM Uzdin, AO Leonov
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (18), 185801, 2020
Classical to quantum mechanical tunneling mechanism crossover in thermal transitions between magnetic states
S Vlasov, PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Faraday discussions 195, 93-109, 2016
Magnetic skyrmion annihilation by quantum mechanical tunneling
SM Vlasov, PF Bessarab, IS Lobanov, MN Potkina, VM Uzdin, H Jonsson
New Journal of Physics 22 (8), 083013, 2020
Optimal protocol for spin-orbit torque switching of a perpendicular nanomagnet
SM Vlasov, GJ Kwiatkowski, IS Lobanov, VM Uzdin, PF Bessarab
Physical Review B 105 (13), 134404, 2022
Calculations of the onset temperature for tunneling in multispin systems
SM Vlasov, PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jόnsson
Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика 8 (4), 454-461, 2017
Instantons describing tunneling between magnetic states at finite temperature
SM Vlasov, PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jónsson
Наносистемы: физика, химия, математика 8 (6), 746-759, 2017
Crossover temperature for quantum tunnelling in spin systems
SM Vlasov, PF Bessarab, VM Uzdin, H Jonsson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 741 (1), 012183, 2016
Quantum mechanical tunneling between magnetic states
SM Vlasov
University of Iceland, School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Faculty …, 2017
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Articles 1–10