Viviana Risca
Viviana Risca
Postdoctoral Scholar, Stanford University
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An improved ATAC-seq protocol reduces background and enables interrogation of frozen tissues
MR Corces, AE Trevino, EG Hamilton, PG Greenside, ...
Nature methods 14 (10), 959-962, 2017
Hiding Messages in DNA microdots
TC Catherine, V Risca, C Bancroft
Nature Magazine 399, 1999
Hiding messages in DNA microdots
CT Clelland, V Risca, C Bancroft
Nature 399 (6736), 533-534, 1999
Actin filament curvature biases branching direction
VI Risca, EB Wang, O Chaudhuri, JJ Chia, PL Geissler, DA Fletcher
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (8), 2913-2918, 2012
Variable chromatin structure revealed by in situ spatially correlated DNA cleavage mapping
VI Risca, SK Denny, AF Straight, WJ Greenleaf
Nature 541 (7636), 237-241, 2017
Chromatin-associated RNA sequencing (ChAR-seq) maps genome-wide RNA-to-DNA contacts
JC Bell, D Jukam, NA Teran, VI Risca, OK Smith, WL Johnson, J Skotheim, ...
bioRxiv, 118786, 2017
Rickettsia Actin-Based Motility Occurs in Distinct Phases Mediated by Different Actin Nucleators
SCO Reed, RL Lamason, VI Risca, E Abernathy, MD Welch
Current Biology 24 (1), 98-103, 2014
Unraveling the 3D genome: genomics tools for multiscale exploration
VI Risca, WJ Greenleaf
Trends in Genetics 31 (7), 357-372, 2015
In silico reconstitution of actin-based symmetry breaking and motility
MJ Dayel, O Akin, M Landeryou, V Risca, A Mogilner, RD Mullins
PLoS biology 7 (9), e1000201, 2009
BLIMP1 induces transient metastatic heterogeneity in pancreatic cancer
SH Chiou, VI Risca, GX Wang, D Yang, BM Grüner, AS Kathiria, RK Ma, ...
Cancer Discovery 7 (10), 1184-1199, 2017
Bacterial Tubulins A and B Exhibit Polarized Growth, Mixed-Polarity Bundling, and Destabilization by GTP Hydrolysis
C Díaz-Celis, VI Risca, F Hurtado, JK Polka, SD Hansen, D Maturana, ...
Journal of Bacteriology 199 (19), e00211-17, 2017
A conditional system to specifically link disruption of protein-coding function with reporter expression in mice
SH Chiou, C Kim-Kiselak, VI Risca, MK Heimann, CH Chuang, AA Burds, ...
Cell reports 7 (6), 2078-2086, 2014
Beyond the linear genome: paired-end sequencing as a biophysical tool
VI Risca, WJ Greenleaf
Trends in cell biology 25 (12), 716-719, 2015
Actin Branching Is Affected by Local Bending of the Mother Filament
V Risca, O Chaudhuri, JJ Chia, DA Fletcher
Biophysical Journal 96 (3), 122a, 2009
Bacterial Microtubules Exhibit Polarized Growth, Mixed-Polarity Bundling, and Destabilization by GTP Hydrolysis
CDD Celis, VI Risca, F Hurtado, JK Polka, SD Hansen, D Maturana, ...
bioRxiv, 112987, 2017
Genome-Wide Mapping of Chromatin Secondary Structure using Ionizing Radiation Coupled with Sequencing
VI Risca, S Denny, A Schep, A Straight, WJ Greenleaf
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 66a, 2016
Mapping of Nucleosomes and DNA-Bound Proteins in Living Cells with Ionizing Radiation
VI Risca, SJK Denny, AN Schep, AS Kathiria, AF Straight, WJ Greenleaf
Biophysical Journal 110 (3), 69a, 2016
Tread-milling and Dynamic Instability ofprosthecobacterdejonjeii Bacterial Microtubules.
C Diaz-celis, V Risca, F Hurtado, S Hansen, J Polka, D Maturana, ...
Protein Science 22, 162, 2013
Actin filament curvature biases branching direction
E Wang, V Risca, O Chaudhuri, JJ Chia, P Geissler, D Fletcher
APS Meeting Abstracts, 2012
Actin Filament Branching and Behavior under Mechanical Constraints
VI Risca
University of California, Berkeley, 2012
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Articles 1–20