Arkady Vainshtein
Arkady Vainshtein
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QCD and resonance physics. Theoretical foundations
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 147 (5), 385-447, 1979
QCD and resonance physics. Applications
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 147 (5), 448-518, 1979
Can confinement ensure natural CP invariance of strong interactions?
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 166 (3), 493-506, 1980
To the problem of nonvanishing gravitation mass
AI Vainshtein
Physics Letters B 39 (3), 393-394, 1972
The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model
T Aoyama, N Asmussen, M Benayoun, J Bijnens, T Blum, M Bruno, ...
Physics reports 887, 1-166, 2020
Charmonium and gluons
VA Novikov, LB Okun, MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, MB Voloshin, ...
Physics Reports 41 (1), 1-133, 1978
Exact Gell-Mann-Low function of supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories from instanton calculus
VA Novikov, MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 229 (2), 381-393, 1983
Low-energy theorems for Higgs boson coupling to protons
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, MB Voloshin, VI Zakharov
Gosudarstvennyj Komitet po Ispol'zovaniyu Atomnoj Ehnergii SSSR, 1979
Nonperturbative corrections to inclusive beauty and charm decays. QCD versus phenomenological models
II Bigi, NG Uraltsev, AI Vainshtein
Physics Letters B 293 (3-4), 430-436, 1992
QCD predictions for lepton spectra in inclusive heavy flavor decays
II Bigi, M Shifman, NG Uraltsev, A Vainshtein
Physical Review Letters 71 (4), 496, 1993
Are all hadrons alike?
VA Novikov, MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 191 (2), 301-369, 1981
Remarks on Higgs-boson interactions with nucleons
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Physics Letters B 78 (4), 443-446, 1978
Refinements in electroweak contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
A Czarnecki, WJ Marciano, A Vainshtein
Physical Review D 67 (7), 073006, 2003
Asymptotic freedom, light quarks and the origin of the ΔT= 12 rule in the non-leptonic decays of strange particles
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 120 (2), 316-324, 1977
QCD and resonance physics: The ϱ-ω mixing
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein, VI Zakharov
Nuclear Physics B 147 (5), 519-534, 1979
Hadronic light-by-light scattering contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic<? format?> moment reexamined
K Melnikov, A Vainshtein
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 70 (11), 113006, 2004
Solution of the anomaly puzzle in SUSY gauge theories and the Wilson operator expansion
MA Shifman, AI Vainshtein
Nuclear Physics B 277, 456-486, 1986
Pole mass of the heavy quark: perturbation theory and beyond
II Bigi, MA Shifman, NG Uraltsev, AI Vainshtein
Physical Review D 50 (3), 2234, 1994
On the motion of heavy quarks inside hadrons: Universal distributions and inclusive decays
II Bigi, MA Shifman, NG Uraltsev, AL Vainshtein
International Journal of Modern Physics A 9 (14), 2467-2504, 1994
Differential distributions in semileptonic decays of heavy flavors in QCD
B Blok, L Koyrakh, M Shifman, AI Vainshtein
Physical Review D 49 (7), 3356, 1994
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Articles 1–20