Jo Smith
Cited by
Cited by
Parent involvement in urban charter schools: New strategies for increasing participation.
J Smith, P Wohlstetter, CA Kuzin, K De Pedro
School Community Journal 21 (1), 71-94, 2011
Choices and challenges: Charter school performance in perspective
P Wohlstetter, J Smith, CC Farrell
Harvard Education Press, 2013
Strategic alliances in action: Toward a theory of evolution
P Wohlstetter, J Smith, CL Malloy
Policy Studies Journal 33 (3), 419-442, 2005
Charter management organizations: An emerging approach to scaling up what works
C Farrell, P Wohlstetter, J Smith
Educational Policy 26 (4), 499-532, 2012
Understanding the different faces of partnering: A typology of public-private partnerships
J Smith, P Wohlstetter
School Leadership & Management 26 (3), 249-268, 2006
Improving service delivery in education through collaboration: An exploratory study of the role of cross‐sectoral alliances in the development and support of charter schools
P Wohlstetter, CL Malloy, GC Hentschke, J Smith
Social Science Quarterly 85 (5), 1078-1096, 2004
Parent Involvement in Urban Charter Schools: A New Paradigm or the Status Quo?.
J Smith, P Wohlstetter
National Center on School Choice, Vanderbilt University (NJ1), 2009
Are all biases bad? Collaborative grounded theory in developmental evaluation of education policy
R Anderson, M Guerreiro, J Smith
Journal of Multidisciplinary Evaluation 12 (27), 44-57, 2016
Reentering the community after prison: Perspectives on the role and importance of social support
J Kjellstrand, M Clark, C Caffery, J Smith, JM Eddy
American Journal of Criminal Justice, 1-26, 2022
Incentives for charter schools: Building school capacity through cross-sectoral alliances
P Wohlstetter, CL Malloy, J Smith, G Hentschke
Educational Administration Quarterly 40 (3), 321-365, 2004
Regression to the mean in average test scores
G Smith, J Smith
Educational Assessment 10 (4), 377-399, 2005
How funding shapes the growth of charter management organizations: Is the tail wagging the dog?
P Wohlstetter, J Smith, C Farrell, GC Hentschke, J Hirman
Journal of Education Finance, 150-174, 2011
Evaluating the" crazy Quilt": Educational Governance in California
DJ Brewer, J Smith
Governor's Committee on Education Excellence, 2006
A framework for understanding educational governance: The case of California
DJ Brewer, J Smith
Education Finance and Policy 3 (1), 20-40, 2008
The choices and challenges of charter schools, revisited
P Wohlstetter, J Smith, CC Farrell
Journal of School Choice 9 (1), 115-138, 2015
One size does not fit all: Understanding the variation in charter management scale-up
C Farrell, MB Nayfack, J Smith, P Wohlstetter
Journal of Educational Change 15, 77-97, 2014
Are they paying attention, or are they shoe-shopping? Evidence from online learning
J Smith, K Schreder
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Perspectives in Higher Education …, 2020
Challenges to common core state standards implementation: Views from six states
J Smith, M Thier
NASSP Bulletin 101 (3), 169-187, 2017
Beyond ideological warfare: The maturation of research on charter schools
J Smith, P Wohlstetter, CC Farrell, MB Nayfack
Journal of School Choice 5 (4), 444-507, 2011
Improving schools through partnerships: Learning from charter schools
P Wohlstetter, J Smith
Phi Delta Kappan 87 (6), 464-467, 2006
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Articles 1–20