Paulo Minatel Gonella
Paulo Minatel Gonella
Ph.D. Student, Universidade de São Paulo
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Brazilian Flora 2020: innovation and collaboration to meet Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC)
FLR Filardi, F Barros, JFA Baumgratz, CEM Bicudo, TB Cavalcanti, ...
Rodriguésia 69, 1513-1527, 2018
Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network
Brazil Flora Group, J Gomes‐da‐Silva, FLR Filardi, MRV Barbosa, ...
Taxon 71 (1), 178-198, 2022
Drosera magnifica (Droseraceae): the largest New World sundew, discovered on Facebook
PM Gonella, F Rivadavia, A Fleischmann
Phytotaxa 220 (3), 257-267, 2015
Conservation of carnivorous plants in the age of extinction
AT Cross, TA Krueger, PM Gonella, AS Robinson, AS Fleischmann
Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01272, 2020
Systematics and evolution of Droseraceae
A Fleischmann, A Cross, R Gibson, P Gonella, K Dixon
Carnivorous plants: physiology, ecology, and evolution, 45-57, 2018
Where is my food? Brazilian flower fly steals prey from carnivorous sundews in a newly discovered plant-animal interaction
A Fleischmann, F Rivadavia, PM Gonella, C Pérez-Bañón, X Mengual, ...
PLoS One 11 (5), e0153900, 2016
A revision of Genlisea subgenus Tayloria (Lentibulariaceae)
A Fleischmann, F Rivadavia, PM Gonella
Phytotaxa 33, 1–40-1–40, 2011
A revision of Drosera (Droseraceae) from the central and northern Andes, including a new species from the Cordillera del Cóndor (Peru and Ecuador)
PM Gonella, A Fleischmann, F Rivadavia, DA Neill, PT Sano
Plant Systematics and Evolution 302, 1419-1432, 2016
Exhuming Saint-Hilaire: revision of the Drosera villosa complex (Droseraceae) supports 200 year-old neglected species concepts
PM Gonella, F Rivadavia, PT Sano, A Fleischmann
Phytotaxa 156 (1), 1–40-1–40, 2014
An escape from the Espinhaço Range
CO Andrino, PM Gonella
Plant Ecology and Evolution 154 (1), 137-149, 2021
Drosera quartzicola (Droseraceae), a new and threatened species from the Serra do Cipó, Brazil
F Rivadavia, PM Gonella
Phytotaxa 29 (1), 33-40, 2011
Novelties in Lepidaploinae (Asteraceae, Vernonieae) from the easternmost campos rupestres of Minas Gerais, Brazil
GM Antar, CM Siniscalchi, PM Gonella, M Monge, B Loeuille
Plant Ecology and Evolution 154 (1), 121-136, 2021
Maracujá on the rocks: a new Passiflora species (Passifloraceae sensu stricto) from the rupicolous ecosystems of the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest
AC Mezzonato-Pires, R da Silva Ribeiro, PM Gonella
Willdenowia 51 (3), 371-381, 2021
Hyptidendron pulcherrimum Antar & Harley, sp. nov.(Hyptidinae, Lamiaceae), a new narrowly endemic species from Minas Gerais, Brazil
GM Antar, RM Harley, JFB Pastore, PM Gonella, PT Sano
Adansonia 43 (1), 1-8, 2021
Elucidating the controversial Drosera montana complex (Droseraceae): a taxonomic revision
F Rivadavia, PM Gonella, PT Sano, A Fleischmann
Phytotaxa 172 (3), 141-175, 2014
A new and tuberous species of Genlisea (Lentibulariaceae) from the Campos Rupestres of Brazil
F Rivadavia, PM Gonella, A Fleischmann
Systematic Botany 38 (2), 464-470, 2013
Four new species of Pleroma (Melastomataceae) from campos rupestres and vegetation on granitic inselbergs in eastern Minas Gerais, Brazil
R Goldenberg, PM Gonella, FS Meyer
Edinburgh Journal of Botany 79, 1-30, 2022
Re-establishment of Drosera spiralis (Droseraceae), and a new circumscription of D. graminifolia
PM Gonella, F Rivadavia, PT Sano
Phytotaxa 75 (1), 43-57, 2012
A new genus of Lythraceae emerges from rocky outcrops of the Atlantic Forest in Brazil
TB Cavalcanti, MG Facco, PW Inglis, SA Graham, PM Gonella
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 200 (1), 85-103, 2022
Hidden biodiversity of Amazonian white-sand ecosystems: two distinctive new species of Utricularia (Lentibulariaceae) from Pará, Brazil
PM Gonella, RG Barbosa-Silva, AS Fleischmann, DC Zappi, PC Baleeiro, ...
PhytoKeys 169, 75, 2020
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