Emily B. Sessa
Cited by
Cited by
A community‐derived classification for extant lycophytes and ferns
Journal of systematics and evolution 54 (6), 563-603, 2016
One thousand plant transcriptomes and the phylogenomics of green plants
Nature 574 (7780), 679-685, 2019
Nested radiations and the pulse of angiosperm diversification: increased diversification rates often follow whole genome duplications
DC Tank, JM Eastman, MW Pennell, PS Soltis, DE Soltis, CE Hinchliff, ...
New Phytologist 207 (2), 454-467, 2015
Early genome duplications in conifers and other seed plants
Z Li, AE Baniaga, EB Sessa, M Scascitelli, SW Graham, LH Rieseberg, ...
Science advances 1 (10), e1501084, 2015
Evolutionary conservation of ABA signaling for stomatal closure
S Cai, G Chen, Y Wang, Y Huang, DB Marchant, Y Wang, Q Yang, F Dai, ...
Plant physiology 174 (2), 732-747, 2017
Sex and the single gametophyte: Revising the homosporous vascular plant life cycle in light of contemporary research
CH Haufler, KM Pryer, E Schuettpelz, EB Sessa, DR Farrar, R Moran, ...
BioScience 66 (11), 928-937, 2016
Dynamic genome evolution in a model fern
DB Marchant, G Chen, S Cai, F Chen, P Schafran, J Jenkins, S Shu, ...
Nature Plants 8 (9), 1038-1051, 2022
An exploration into fern genome space
PG Wolf, EB Sessa, DB Marchant, FW Li, CJ Rothfels, EM Sigel, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 7 (9), 2533-2544, 2015
Phylogeny, divergence times, and historical biogeography of New World Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae)
EB Sessa, EA Zimmer, TJ Givnish
American Journal of Botany 99 (4), 730-750, 2012
The C-Fern (Ceratopteris richardii) genome: insights into plant genome evolution with the first partial homosporous fern genome assembly
DB Marchant, EB Sessa, PG Wolf, K Heo, WB Barbazuk, PS Soltis, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 18181, 2019
On the widespread capacity for, and functional significance of, extreme inbreeding in ferns
EB Sessa, WL Testo, JE Watkins Jr
New Phytologist 211 (3), 1108-1119, 2016
Molecular circumscription and major evolutionary lineages of the fern genus Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae)
LB Zhang, L Zhang, SY Dong, EB Sessa, XF Gao, A Ebihara
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12, 1-15, 2012
Between two fern genomes
EB Sessa, JA Banks, MS Barker, JP Der, AM Duffy, SW Graham, ...
GigaScience 3 (1), 2047-217X-3-15, 2014
Reticulate evolution on a global scale: A nuclear phylogeny for New World Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae)
EB Sessa, EA Zimmer, TJ Givnish
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 64 (3), 563-581, 2012
Unraveling reticulate evolution in North American Dryopteris (Dryopteridaceae)
EB Sessa, EA Zimmer, TJ Givnish
BMC Evolutionary Biology 12 (1), 104, 2012
A target enrichment probe set for resolving the flagellate land plant tree of life
JW Breinholt, SB Carey, GP Tiley, EC Davis, L Endara, SF McDaniel, ...
Applications in plant sciences 9 (1), e11406, 2021
Niche divergence between diploid and autotetraploid Tolmiea
CJ Visger, CC Germain‐Aubrey, M Patel, EB Sessa, PS Soltis, DE Soltis
American Journal of Botany 103 (8), 1396-1406, 2016
The separation of generations: biology and biogeography of long-lived sporophyteless fern gametophytes
JB Pinson, SM Chambers, JH Nitta, LY Kuo, EB Sessa
International Journal of Plant Sciences 178 (1), 1-18, 2017
The rise of the Andes promoted rapid diversification in Neotropical Phlegmariurus (Lycopodiaceae)
WL Testo, E Sessa, DS Barrington
New Phytologist 222 (1), 604-613, 2019
Comprehensive phylogenomic time tree of bryophytes reveals deep relationships and uncovers gene incongruences in the last 500 million years of diversification
J Bechteler, G Peñaloza‐Bojacá, D Bell, J Gordon Burleigh, SF McDaniel, ...
American Journal of Botany 110 (11), e16249, 2023
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Articles 1–20