Mohammadreza Abnavi
Mohammadreza Abnavi
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Evaluation of wind energy potential in province of Bushehr, Iran
A Dabbaghiyan, F Fazelpour, MD Abnavi, MA Rosen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 55, 455-466, 2016
Techno‐economic feasibility analysis of stand‐alone hybrid wind/photovoltaic/diesel/battery system for the electrification of remote rural areas: Case study Persian Gulf Coast‐Iran
MD Abnavi, N Mohammadshafie, MA Rosen, A Dabbaghian, F Fazelpour
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 38 (5), 13172, 2019
Chlorine inactivation of Escherichia coli O157: H7 in fresh produce wash process: Effectiveness and modeling
MD Abnavi, CR Kothapalli, D Munther, P Srinivasan
International Journal of Food Microbiology 356, 109364, 2021
Synthesis and secretome release by human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell spheroids within three‐dimensional collagen hydrogels: Integrating experiments and modelling
J Joshi, MD Abnavi, CR Kothapalli
Journal of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 13 (10), 1923-1937, 2019
Modeling of Free Chlorine Consumption and Escherichia coli O157:H7 Cross‐Contamination During Fresh‐Cut Produce Wash Cycles
MD Abnavi, A Alradaan, D Munther, CR Kothapalli, P Srinivasan
Journal of food science 84 (10), 2736-2744, 2019
Towards enhanced chlorine control: Mathematical modeling for free chlorine kinetics during fresh-cut carrot, cabbage and lettuce washing
P Srinivasan, MD Abnavi, A Sulak, CR Kothapalli, D Munther
Postharvest Biology and Technology 161, 111092, 2020
Total amino acids concentration as a reliable predictor of free chlorine levels in dynamic fresh produce washing process
MD Abnavi, CR Kothapalli, P Srinivasan
Food Chemistry 335, 127651, 2021
Inactivation mechanisms of Escherichia coli O157: H7 and Salmonella enterica by free residual chlorine
MD Abnavi, T Larimian, P Srinivasan, D Munther, CR Kothapalli
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 8 (9), 2006-2018, 2022
Quantifying Free Chlorine Inactivation Efficacy of Escherichia coli O157:H7 during Produce Wash
P Srinivasan, M Abnavi, C Kothapalli, D Munther
IAFP 2022, 2022
Chlorine Decay and Pathogen Cross Contamination Dynamics in Fresh Produce Washing Process
MD Abnavi
Cleveland State University, 2021
Modeling Cross-contamination and Inactivation Dynamics of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Chlorine Wash of Fresh-cut Iceberg Lettuce
MD Abnavi, C Kothapalli, D Munther, P Srinivasan
IAFP 2020, 2020
Towards enhanced chlorine control: mathematical modeling for free chlorine kinetics during fresh-cut carrot, cabbage and lettuce washing.
PS Parthasarathy Srinivasan, MD Abnavi, A Sulak, CR Kothapalli, ...
A Mathematical Model for Chlorine Kinetics and Pathogen Cross-Contamination in Fresh Produce Wash Processes
P Srinivasan, D Munther, M Abnavi, C Kothapalli
IAFP 2019 Annual Meeting, 2019
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Articles 1–13