Larry Gruppen
Larry Gruppen
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Cited by
Measuring self-assessment: current state of the art
M Ward, L Gruppen, G Regehr
Advances in health sciences education 7, 63-80, 2002
The Diabetes Empowerment Scale-Short Form (DES-SF).
RM Anderson, JT Fitzgerald, LD Gruppen, MM Funnell, MS Oh
American Diabetes Association, 2003
Defining characteristics of educational competencies
MA Albanese, G Mejicano, P Mullan, P Kokotailo, L Gruppen
Medical education 42 (3), 248-255, 2008
The promise of competency-based education in the health professions for improving global health
LD Gruppen, RS Mangrulkar, JC Kolars
Human resources for health 10, 1-7, 2012
Fostering the development of master adaptive learners: a conceptual model to guide skill acquisition in medical education
WB Cutrer, B Miller, MV Pusic, G Mejicano, RS Mangrulkar, LD Gruppen, ...
Academic medicine 92 (1), 70-75, 2017
Twelve tips for developing effective mentors
S Ramani, L Gruppen, EK Kachur
Medical teacher 28 (5), 404-408, 2006
Teaching the one‐minute preceptor: a randomized controlled trial
SL Furney, AN Orsini, KE Orsetti, DT Stern, LD Gruppen, DM Irby
Journal of general internal medicine 16 (9), 620-624, 2001
Clinical reasoning assessment methods: a scoping review and practical guidance
M Daniel, J Rencic, SJ Durning, E Holmboe, SA Santen, V Lang, ...
Academic Medicine 94 (6), 902-912, 2019
The third version of the Diabetes Attitude Scale
RM Anderson, JT Fitzgerald, MM Funnell, LD Gruppen
Diabetes care 21 (9), 1403-1407, 1998
A longitudinal study of self‐assessment accuracy
JT Fitzgerald, CB White, LD Gruppen
Medical education 37 (7), 645-649, 2003
The prediction of professional behaviour
DT Stern, AZ Frohna, LD Gruppen
Medical education 39 (1), 75-82, 2005
Gender differences in the self-assessment of surgical residents
RM Minter, LD Gruppen, KS Napolitano, PG Gauger
The American journal of surgery 189 (6), 647-650, 2005
Faculty development for educational leadership and scholarship
LD Gruppen, AZ Frohna, RM Anderson, KD Lowe
Academic Medicine 78 (2), 137-141, 2003
Conceptualizing learning environments in the health professions
LD Gruppen, DM Irby, SJ Durning, LA Maggio
Academic Medicine 94 (7), 969-974, 2019
Competency‐based education: programme design and challenges to implementation
LD Gruppen, JC Burkhardt, JT Fitzgerald, M Funnell, HM Haftel, ...
Medical education 50 (5), 532-539, 2016
Building a competency-based curriculum: the agony and the ecstasy
MA Albanese, G Mejicano, WM Anderson, L Gruppen
Advances in Health Sciences Education 15, 439-454, 2010
Teaching students to break bad news
L Colletti, L Gruppen, M Barclay, D Stern
The American journal of surgery 182 (1), 20-23, 2001
Clinical reasoning: defining it, teaching it, assessing it, studying it
LD Gruppen
Western Journal of Emergency Medicine 18 (1), 4, 2016
Assessing residents’ competencies at baseline: identifying the gaps
ML Lypson, JG Frohna, LD Gruppen, JO Woolliscroft
Academic Medicine 79 (6), 564-570, 2004
Using immersive simulation for training first responders for mass casualty incidents
W Wilkerson, D Avstreih, L Gruppen, KP Beier, J Woolliscroft
Academic emergency medicine 15 (11), 1152-1159, 2008
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Articles 1–20