Anna Manelis
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Anticipation-related brain connectivity in bipolar and unipolar depression: a graph theory approach
A Manelis, JRC Almeida, R Stiffler, JC Lockovich, HA Aslam, ML Phillips
Brain 139 (9), 2554-2566, 2016
Why it’s easier to remember seeing a face we already know than one we don’t: Preexisting memory representations facilitate memory formation
LM Reder, LW Victoria, A Manelis, JM Oates, JM Dutcher, JT Bates, ...
Psychological science 24 (3), 363-372, 2013
Procedural learning and associative memory mechanisms contribute to contextual cueing: Evidence from fMRI and eye-tracking
A Manelis, LM Reder
Learning & Memory 19 (11), 527-534, 2012
Altered amygdala-prefrontal response to facial emotion in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
A Manelis, CD Ladouceur, S Graur, K Monk, LK Bonar, MB Hickey, ...
Brain 138 (9), 2777-2790, 2015
The role of the right prefrontal cortex in recognition of facial emotional expressions in depressed individuals: fNIRS study
A Manelis, TJ Huppert, E Rodgers, HA Swartz, ML Phillips
Journal of Affective Disorders 258, 151-158, 2019
Altered functioning of reward circuitry in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
A Manelis, CD Ladouceur, S Graur, K Monk, LK Bonar, MB Hickey, ...
Psychological medicine 46 (1), 197-208, 2016
Repetition related changes in activation and functional connectivity in hippocampus predict subsequent memory
A Manelis, CA Paynter, ME Wheeler, LM Reder
Hippocampus 23 (1), 53-65, 2013
Preliminary investigation of the relationships between sleep duration, reward circuitry function, and mood dysregulation in youth offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
AM Soehner, MA Bertocci, A Manelis, G Bebko, CD Ladouceur, S Graur, ...
Journal of affective disorders 205, 144-153, 2016
Clinical, cortical thickness and neural activity predictors of future affective lability in youth at risk for bipolar disorder: initial discovery and independent sample replication
MA Bertocci, L Hanford, A Manelis, S Iyengar, EA Youngstrom, MK Gill, ...
Molecular psychiatry 24 (12), 1856-1867, 2019
Baseline and follow-up activity and functional connectivity in reward neural circuitries in offspring at risk for bipolar disorder
HE Acuff, A Versace, MA Bertocci, CD Ladouceur, LC Hanford, A Manelis, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 44 (9), 1570-1578, 2019
He Who is well prepared has half won the battle: an fMRI Study of task preparation
A Manelis, LM Reder
Cerebral cortex 25 (3), 726-735, 2015
Effective connectivity among the working memory regions during preparation for and during performance of the n-back task
A Manelis, LM Reder
Frontiers in human neuroscience 8, 593, 2014
Association of neuroimaging measures of emotion processing and regulation neural circuitries with symptoms of bipolar disorder in offspring at risk for bipolar disorder
HE Acuff, A Versace, MA Bertocci, CD Ladouceur, LC Hanford, A Manelis, ...
JAMA psychiatry 75 (12), 1241-1251, 2018
Prefrontal cortical activation during working memory task anticipation contributes to discrimination between bipolar and unipolar depression
A Manelis, S Iyengar, HA Swartz, ML Phillips
Neuropsychopharmacology 45 (6), 956-963, 2020
Aberrant levels of cortical myelin distinguish individuals with depressive disorders from healthy controls
DAA Baranger, YO Halchenko, S Satz, R Ragozzino, S Iyengar, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 32, 102790, 2021
Dynamic changes in the medial temporal lobe during incidental learning of object–location associations
A Manelis, LM Reder, SJ Hanson
Cerebral Cortex 22 (4), 828-837, 2012
White matter abnormalities in adults with bipolar disorder type-II and unipolar depression
A Manelis, A Soehner, YO Halchenko, S Satz, R Ragozzino, M Lucero, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 7541, 2021
The impact of familial risk and early life adversity on emotion and reward processing networks in youth at-risk for bipolar disorder
LC Hanford, K Eckstrand, A Manelis, DM Hafeman, J Merranko, ...
PLoS One 14 (12), e0226135, 2019
Implicit memory for object locations depends on reactivation of encoding‐related brain regions
A Manelis, C Hanson, SJ Hanson
Human brain mapping 32 (1), 32-50, 2011
Intrinsic functional connectivity correlates of person-level risk for bipolar disorder in offspring of affected parents
DM Hafeman, HW Chase, K Monk, L Bonar, MB Hickey, A McCaffrey, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 44 (3), 629-634, 2019
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Articles 1–20