Tobias Vogel
Cited by
Cited by
Attitudes and attitude change
T Vogel, M Waenke
Taylor & Francis, 2016
Who can be nudged? Examining nudging effectiveness in the context of need for cognition and need for uniqueness
M Ingendahl, D Hummel, A Maedche, T Vogel
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 20 (2), 324-336, 2021
Transparency effects on policy compliance: disclosing how defaults work can enhance their effectiveness
Y Paunov, M Wänke, T Vogel
Behavioural Public Policy 3 (2), 187-208, 2019
Pseudocontingencies: Logically unwarranted but smart inferences
K Fiedler, F Kutzner, T Vogel
Current Directions in Psychological Science 22 (4), 324-329, 2013
Ethical defaults: which transparency components can increase the effectiveness of default nudges?
Y Paunov, M Wänke, T Vogel
Social Influence 14 (3-4), 104-116, 2019
Truth is in the mind, but beauty is in the eye: Fluency effects are moderated by a match between fluency source and judgment dimension.
T Vogel, RR Silva, A Thomas, M Wänke
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 149 (8), 1587, 2020
The Architecture of Prototype Preferences: Typicality, Fluency, and Valence
T Vogel, M Ingendahl, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental psychology. General, 2020
Base‐rate neglect as a function of base rates in probabilistic contingency learning
F Kutzner, P Freytag, T Vogel, K Fiedler
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior 90 (1), 23-32, 2008
Designing Attentive Information Dashboards
P Toreini, M Langner, A Maedche, S Morana, T Vogel
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 23 (2), 521-552, 2022
Brand placements in video games: How local in‐game experiences influence brand attitudes
M Ingendahl, T Vogel, A Maedche, M Wänke
Psychology & Marketing 40 (2), 274-287, 2023
A robust classic: Illusory correlations are maintained under extended operant learning.
F Kutzner, T Vogel, P Freytag, K Fiedler
Experimental Psychology 58 (6), 443, 2011
Is evaluative conditioning moderated by Big Five personality traits?
T Vogel, M Hütter, JE Gebauer
Social Psychological and Personality Science 10 (1), 94-102, 2019
When do chronic differences in self-regulation count?: Regulatory focus effects in easy and difficult soccer tasks
T Vogel, O Genschow
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 35 (2), 216-220, 2013
Contingency inferences driven by base rates: Valid by sampling
F Kutzner, T Vogel, P Freytag, K Fiedler
Judgment and Decision Making 6 (3), 211-221, 2011
Consequences of autonomous vehicles: Ambivalent expectations and their impact on acceptance
C Kacperski, F Kutzner, T Vogel
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 81, 282-294, 2021
Exploiting attractiveness in persuasion: Senders’ implicit theories about receivers’ processing motivation
T Vogel, F Kutzner, K Fiedler, P Freytag
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 36 (6), 830-842, 2010
Combining defaults and transparency information to increase policy compliance
Y Paunov, M Wänke, T Vogel
Social Psychology, 2020
Category structure determines the relative attractiveness of global versus local averages.
T Vogel, EW Carr, T Davis, P Winkielman
Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 44 (2), 250, 2018
Fluency in the in-out effect: The role of structural mere exposure effects
M Ingendahl, T Schöne, M Wänke, T Vogel
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 92, 104079, 2021
How majority members become associated with rare attributes: Ecological correlations in stereotype formation
T Vogel, F Kutzner, K Fiedler, P Freytag
Social Cognition 31 (4), 427-442, 2013
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Articles 1–20