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A user-friendly fuzzy-based system for the selection of electro discharge machining process parameters
O Yilmaz, O Eyercioglu, NNZ Gindy
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 172 (3), 363-371, 2006
Evaluation of gear tooth stresses by finite element method
IH Filiz, O Eyercioglu
Prediction of surface roughness in abrasive waterjet machining of particle reinforced MMCs using genetic expression programming
M Kök, E Kanca, Ö Eyercioğlu
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 55, 955-968, 2011
Development of an expert system for the determination of injection moulding parameters of thermoplastic materials: EX-PIMM
AT Bozdana, Ö Eyerci̇oğlu
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 128 (1-3), 113-122, 2002
Shrink fit design for precision gear forging dies
O Eyercioglu, MA Kutuk, NF Yilmaz
Journal of materials processing technology 209 (4), 2186-2194, 2009
Prediction of martensite and austenite start temperatures of the Fe-based shape memory alloys by artificial neural networks
O Eyercioglu, E Kanca, M Pala, E Ozbay
Journal of materials processing technology 200 (1-3), 146-152, 2008
Hardness Effects on Abrasive Flow Machining.
K Gov, O Eyercioglu, MV Cakir
Journal of Mechanical Engineering/Strojniški Vestnik 59 (10), 2013
Effects of abrasive types on the surface integrity of abrasive-flow-machined surfaces
K Gov, O Eyercioglu
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2018
Influence of machining parameters on the surface integrity in small-hole electrical discharge machining
O Eyercioglu, MV Cakir, K Gov
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2014
Comparative bending fatigue strength of precision forged spur gears
O Eyercioglu, D Walton, TA Dean
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 1997
Finite element analysis of a cylindrical approach for shrink-fit precision gear forging dies
MA Kutuk, O Eyercioglu, N Yildirim, A Akpolat
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2003
Temperature evaluation and bonding quality of large scale additive manufacturing thin wall parts
Ö Eyercioğlu, M Aladağ, S Sever
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 36 (3), 645-654, 2018
An integrated computer-aided decision support system for die stresses and dimensional accuracy of precision forging dies
NF Yilmaz, O Eyercioglu
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 40, 875-886, 2009
Effects of blanking speed on the shear surface of mild steel (St37)
E Kanca, Ö Eyercioglu, İH Karahan, A Günen, K Göv
Polish Academy of Sciences, 2016
Comparison of soft computing techniques for modelling of the EDM performance parameters
MV Cakir, O Eyercioglu, K Gov, M Sahin, SH Cakir
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 5, 392531, 2013
Developments and performance analyses of precision forged spur gears
O Eyercioglu
University of Birmingham, 1995
The effect of the thickness-to-die diameter ratio on the sheet metal blanking process
KE Engin, O Eyercioglu
Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 63 (9), 501-509, 2017
Design and manufacture of precision gear forging dies
O Eyercioglu, TA Dean
CIRP international conference on design and production of dies and molds …, 1997
The effect of magnesium content on drilling of Al-Mg-Ti alloy by hole electrical discharge machining process
O Eyercioglu, K Gov
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2021
Dimensional accuracy of hot precision forged spur gears
O Eyercioglu, TA Dean, D Walton
1994 International Gearing Conference, Newcastle Upon Tyne, 285-290, 1994
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Articles 1–20