Daniel Olguin Olguin
Daniel Olguin Olguin
Co-Founder and COO of Sociometric Solutions, Inc.
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Cited by
Sensible organizations: Technology and methodology for automatically measuring organizational behavior
DO Olguín, BN Waber, T Kim, A Mohan, K Ara, A Pentland
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 39 …, 2008
Capturing individual and group behavior with wearable sensors
DO Olguın, PA Gloor, AS Pentland
Proceedings of the 2009 aaai spring symposium on human behavior modeling, SSS 9, 2009
Sociometric badges: Using sensor technology to capture new forms of collaboration
T Kim, E McFee, DO Olguin, B Waber, AS Pentland
Journal of Organizational Behavior 33 (3), 412-427, 2012
Human activity recognition: Accuracy across common locations for wearable sensors
DO Olguın, AS Pentland
Proceedings of 2006 10th IEEE international symposium on wearable computers …, 2006
Sensor-based organisational design and engineering
D Olguín-Olguín, A Pentland
International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering 1 (1-2), 69-97, 2010
Wearable sensors for pervasive healthcare management
DO Olguin, PA Gloor, A Pentland
2009 3rd International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for …, 2009
Social sensors for automatic data collection
DO Olguín, AS Pentland
AMCIS 2008 Proceedings, 171, 2008
Identification of instantaneous attributes of torsional shaft signals using the Hilbert transform
MA Andrade, AR Messina, CA Rivera, D Olguin
IEEE Transactions on power systems 19 (3), 1422-1429, 2004
Productivity through coffee breaks: Changing social networks by changing break structure
BN Waber, D Olguin Olguin, T Kim, A Pentland
Available at SSRN 1586375, 2010
Sensible organizations: Changing our businesses and work styles through sensor data
K Ara, N Kanehira, DO Olguin, BN Waber, T Kim, A Mohan, P Gloor, ...
Journal of Information Processing 16, 1-12, 2008
Organizational engineering using sociometric badges
BN Waber, D Olguin Olguin, T Kim, A Mohan, K Ara, A Pentland
Available at SSRN 1073342, 2007
Adaptive notch filter for EEG signals based on the LMS algorithm with variable step-size parameter
DO Olguin, F Bouchereau, S Martinez
Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Information Sciences and …, 2005
Towards “honest signals” of creativity–identifying personality characteristics through microscopic social network analysis
PA Gloor, K Fischbach, H Fuehres, C Lassenius, T Niinimäki, DO Olguin, ...
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 26, 166-179, 2011
Sociometric badges: State of the art and future applications
DO Olguın, AS Pentland
Doctoral colloquium presented at IEEE 11th international symposium on …, 2007
Studying microscopic peer-to-peer communication patterns
PA Gloor, D Oster, J Putzke, K Fischbach, D Schoder, K Ara, T Kim, ...
Available at SSRN 1097111, 2007
Sociometric badges: Wearable technology for measuring human behavior
DO Olguın, B Waber, T Kim, A Mohan, K Ara, A Pentland
Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Wearable Computers …, 2007
Assessing group performance from collective behavior
DO Olguín, A Pentland
Proc. of the CSCW 10, 1-6, 2010
Wearable communicator badge: Designing a new platform for revealing organizational dynamics
DO Olguin, JA Paradiso, A Pentland
Proceedings of the 10th international symposium on wearable computers …, 2006
Understanding organizational behavior with wearable sensing technology
BN Waber, D Olguin Olguin, T Kim, A Pentland
Available at SSRN 1263992, 2008
Sociometric badges: Wearable technology for measuring human behavior
D Olguín Olguín
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007
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Articles 1–20