Eric S Taylor
Eric S Taylor
Associate Professor, Harvard University, Graduate School of Education
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Cited by
Cited by
The effect of evaluation on teacher performance
ES Taylor, JH Tyler
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3628-3651, 2012
Virtual classrooms: How online college courses affect student success
E Bettinger, L Fox, S Loeb, ES Taylor
American Economic Review 107 (9), 2855-2875, 2017
Identifying effective classroom practices using student achievement data
TJ Kane, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, AL Wooten
Journal of Human Resources 46 (3), 587-613, 2011
Learning job skills from colleagues at work: Evidence from a field experiment using teacher performance data
JP Papay, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, ME Laski
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (1), 359-388, 2020
Can teacher evaluation improve teaching?
ES Taylor, JH Tyler
Education Next 12 (4), 10, 2012
Information and employee evaluation: Evidence from a randomized intervention in public schools
JE Rockoff, DO Staiger, TJ Kane, ES Taylor
American Economic Review 102 (7), 3184-3213, 2012
Teacher applicant hiring and teacher performance: Evidence from DC Public Schools
B Jacob, JE Rockoff, ES Taylor, B Lindy, R Rosen
Journal of Public Economics 166, 81-97, 2018
Using student performance data to identify effective classroom practices
JH Tyler, ES Taylor, TJ Kane, AL Wooten
American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings 100 (2), 256-260, 2010
Spending more of the school day in math class: Evidence from a regression discontinuity in middle school
E Taylor
Journal of Public Economics 114, 162-181, 2014
Evaluating teacher effectiveness: Can classroom observations identify practices that raise achievement?
TJ Kane, ES Taylor, JH Tyler, AL Wooten
Education Next 11 (3), 54, 2011
Teacher peer observation and student test scores: Evidence from a field experiment in English secondary schools
S Burgess, S Rawal, ES Taylor
Journal of Labor Economics 39 (4), 1155-1186, 2021
The effects of class size in online college courses: Experimental evidence
E Bettinger, C Doss, S Loeb, A Rogers, E Taylor
Economics of Education Review 58, 68-85, 2017
When inputs are outputs: The case of graduate student instructors
EP Bettinger, BT Long, ES Taylor
Economics of Education Review 52, 63-76, 2016
Does evaluation change teacher effort and performance? Quasi-experimental evidence from a policy of retesting students
E Aucejo, T Romano, ES Taylor
Review of Economics and Statistics 104 (3), 417-430, 2022
Skills, job tasks, and productivity in teaching: Evidence from a randomized trial of instruction practices
ES Taylor
Journal of Labor Economics 36 (3), 711-742, 2018
New technology and teacher productivity
E Taylor
Working paper, 2018
Remote but influential: Peer effects and reflection in online higher education classrooms
EP Bettinger, S Loeb, ES Taylor
Center for Education Policy Analysis, 2014
Teachers’ use of class time and student achievement
SM Burgess, S Rawal, ES Taylor
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022
Teacher evaluation and training
ES Taylor
The Handbook of the Economics of Education 7, 2023
Understanding human resources in broad access higher education
S Loeb, A Paglayan, E Taylor
Remaking College: The Changing Ecology of Higher Education, 2014
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Articles 1–20