Dr. G. S. Taki
Dr. G. S. Taki
Institute of Engineering & Management, [email protected]
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Observation of burst frequency in extracted ECR ion current
GS Taki, PR Sarma, AG Drentje, T Nakagawa, PK Ray, RK Bhandari
高能物理与核物理, 2007
Electrical studies of low energy Ar9+ irradiated conducting polymer PANI–PVA
AK Himanshu, SK Bandyopadhayay, P Sen, NN Mondal, A Talpatra, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 80 (3), 414-419, 2011
Correlation between defect and magnetism of low energy Ar+ 9 implanted and un-implanted Zn0. 95Mn0. 05O thin films suitable for electronic application
SK Neogi, N Midya, P Pramanik, A Banerjee, A Bhattacharyya, GS Taki, ...
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 408, 217-227, 2016
6.4 GHz ECR ion source at VECC
GS Taki, DK Chakraborty, RK Bhandari
Pramana 59, 775-780, 2002
Green energy harvesting from waste plastic materials by solar driven microwave pyrolysis
D Ghosh, SK Bandyopadhyay, GS Taki
2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering …, 2020
Design of ripple carry adder using CMOS output wired logic based majority gate
M Sarkar, GS Taki, R Sengupta, SN Ray
2017 8th Annual Industrial Automation and Electromechanical Engineering …, 2017
Evaluation of Argon ion irradiation hardening of ferritic/martensitic steel-T91 using nanoindentation, X-ray diffraction and TEM techniques
N Naveen Kumar, R Tewari, P Mukherjee, N Gayathri, PV Durgaprasad, ...
Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids 172 (7-8), 678-694, 2017
ECR Plasma Enhanced Film Deposition System
GS Taki, JBM Krishna, SD Gupta, S Karmakar, SK Kundu
J. Phys 59, 77, 2016
Electro-Homeopathy based COVID-19 Safe-home Medical Management Study
GS Taki, AK Mallick, B Chakraborty, P Pal, C Biswas, C Samanta
Journal of Natural Remedies 22 (2), 261-267, 2022
Importance of transition metal modified graphene-based non-enzymatic blood glucose sensors
S Karmakar, SK Kundu, SK Bandyopadhyay, M Gangopadhyay, GS Taki
2020 4th International conference on electronics, materials engineering …, 2020
Study on 2.45 GHz Microwave Propagation in an ECR Plasma Enhanced Film Deposition System
SK Kundu, S Karmakar, M Sarkar, GS Taki
A study on high-k gate stack for MOS-FET
SK Kundu, S Karmakar, MS Reza, A Dutta, GS Taki
Computing and Communication (IEMCON), 2015 International Conference and …, 2015
Operational experience with VEC-ECR ion source
GS Taki, DK Bose, PY Nabhiraj, RK Bhandari
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2001
Design of 1-bit Full Adder using output wired CMOS Inverter based Threshold Gate
M Sarkar, GS Taki
American Journal of Electronics & Communication 1 (2), 20-24, 2020
45 keV N5+ ions induced spikes on CdS thin films: morphological, structural and optical properties
G Bakiyaraj, JBM Krishna, GS Taki, K Selvaraju, R Dhanasekaran
Applied Surface Science 449, 233-238, 2018
Ion beam irradiation of ZnS dispersed in PMMA and its photocatalytic application
RK Dutta, UC Bind, JBM Krishna, AK Sinha, GS Taki
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 302, 819-824, 2014
COVID-19 prophylactic & management studies based on Electro-Homeopathy
GS Taki, AK Mallick, A Mondal, SP Sheet, A Mallick, B Chakraborty
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge 21 (4), pp 782-788, 2022
Characteristics study of high-K gate stack for MOS-FETs using TCAD Simulation
S Chatterjee, A Chattopadhyay, GS Taki
2018 2nd International Conference on Electronics, Materials Engineering …, 2018
Progress in submicron device technology
SK Kundu, S Karmakar, GS Taki, A Roy, CD Choudhuri, M Basu, A Basak, ...
2017 8th Annual Industrial Automation and Electromechanical Engineering …, 2017
Abrupt variation in ion current with biased disk voltage in the electron cyclotron resonance ion source
GS Taki, PR Sarma, DK Chakraborty, RK Bhandari, PK Ray, AG Drentje
Review of scientific instruments 77 (3), 2006
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Articles 1–20