Melvyn R.W. Hamstra
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Transformational and transactional leadership and followers’ achievement goals
MRW Hamstra, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse, K Sassenberg
Journal of Business and Psychology 29 (3), 413-425, 2014
Transformational-transactional leadership styles and followers’ regulatory focus: Fit reduces followers’ turnover intentions.
MRW Hamstra, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse, K Sassenberg
Journal of Personnel Psychology 10 (4), 182-186, 2011
To win, or not to lose, at any cost: The impact of achievement goals on cheating
NW Van Yperen, MRW Hamstra, M Van der Klauw
British Journal of Management 22 (s1), S5-S15, 2011
Everyday risk taking as a function of regulatory focus
MRW Hamstra, JW Bolderdijk, JL Veldstra
Journal of Research in Personality 45 (1), 134-137, 2011
Does employee perceived person-organization fit promote performance? The moderating role of supervisor perceived person-organization fit
MRW Hamstra, AEM Van Vianen, J Koen
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 28, 594-601, 2019
Followers feel valued—When leaders' regulatory focus makes leaders exhibit behavior that fits followers' regulatory focus
MRW Hamstra, K Sassenberg, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 51, 34-40, 2014
On the perceived effectiveness of transformational–transactional leadership: The role of encouraged strategies and followers' regulatory focus
MRW Hamstra, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse, K Sassenberg
European Journal of Social Psychology 44 (6), 643-656, 2014
Does authentic leadership predict employee work engagement and in-role performance? Considering the role of learning goal orientation.
Q Mehmood, S Nawab, MRW Hamstra
Journal of Personnel psychology 15 (3), 139-142, 2016
‘Big’men: Male leaders’ height positively relates to followers’ perception of charisma
MRW Hamstra
Personality and Individual Differences 56, 190-192, 2014
Manager narcissism and employee silence: A socio‐analytic theory perspective
MRW Hamstra, B Schreurs, IM Jawahar, LM Laurijssen, P Hünermund
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94, 29-54, 2021
Perceived overqualification and counterproductive work behavior: testing the mediating role of relative deprivation and the moderating role of ambition
B Schreurs, MRW Hamstra, IM Jawahar, J Akkermans
Personnel Review 50, 1038-1055, 2021
Authentic leadership and followers' in‐role and extra‐role performance: The mediating role of followers' learning goal orientation
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra, S Nawab, T Vriend
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 89 (4), 877-883, 2016
A Resource Perspective on Abusive Supervision and Extra-Role Behaviors: The Role of Subordinates’ Psychological Capital
J Ahmad, MR Athar, RI Azam, MRW Hamstra, M Hanif
Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies 26 (73-86), 2019
Like or dislike: Intrapersonal regulatory fit affects the intensity of interpersonal evaluation
MRW Hamstra, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse, K Sassenberg
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (4), 726-731, 2013
Antecedents of Knowledge Withholding: A Systematic Review & Integrative Framework
NP Strik, MRW Hamstra, MSR Segers
Group & Organization Management 46 (2), 223-251, 2021
The intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics of self-regulation in the leadership process
K Sassenberg, MRW Hamstra
Advances in Experimental Social Psychology 55, 193-257, 2017
Employees’ perceptions of their manager’s authentic leadership: Considering managers’ political skill and gender
Q Mehmood, MRW Hamstra, B Schreurs
Personnel Review 49, 202-214, 2020
Imagining Success: Multiple Achievement Goals and the Effectiveness of Imagery
T Blankert, MRW Hamstra
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 39 (1), 60-67, 2017
What’s in a word? Using construal-level theory to predict voice endorsement
B Schreurs, MRW Hamstra, T Davidson
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 29, 93-105, 2020
Regulatory fit buffers against disidentification from groups.
MRW Hamstra, K Sassenberg, NW Van Yperen, B Wisse, EF Rietzschel
Motivation Science 1 (3), 184-201, 2015
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Articles 1–20