Ram Chandra Prasad
Ram Chandra Prasad
Professor of Metallurgical Engineering,IIT Bombay
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Application of hidden Markov models for signature verification
L Yang, BK Widjaja, R Prasad
Pattern recognition 28 (2), 161-170, 1995
Pesticide residue in organic and conventional food-risk analysis
Rekha, SN Naik, R Prasad
Journal of Chemical Health & Safety 13 (6), 12-19, 2006
Fatigue and fracture toughness characteristics of laser rapid manufactured Inconel 625 structures
P Ganesh, R Kaul, CP Paul, P Tiwari, SK Rai, RC Prasad, LM Kukreja
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (29-30), 7490-7497, 2010
Ecology and Use of Lantana camara in India
GCS Negi, S Sharma, SCR Vishvakarma, SS Samant, RK Maikhuri, ...
The Botanical Review 85 (2), 109-130, 2019
Experimental and quantum chemical characterization of the adsorption of some Schiff base compounds of phthaloyl thiocarbohydrazide on the mild steel in acid solutions
I Ahamad, R Prasad, MA Quraishi
Materials Chemistry and Physics 124 (2-3), 1155-1165, 2010
Increasing fertilizer nitrogen efficiency in wetland rice.
R Prasad, SKD Datta
Synthesis and sintered properties evaluation of calcium phosphate ceramics
DK Pattanayak, R Dash, RC Prasad, BT Rao, TRR Mohan
Materials Science and Engineering: C 27 (4), 684-690, 2007
Patterns of daily exposure to TSP and CO in the Garhwal Himalaya
S Saksena, R Prasad, RC Pal, V Joshi
Atmospheric Environment. Part A. General Topics 26 (11), 2125-2134, 1992
Large influence of incomplete fusion in C Tb at –7 MeV/nucleon
A Yadav, VR Sharma, PP Singh, DP Singh, MK Sharma, U Gupta, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 85 (3), 034614, 2012
Enhancing phytoremediation of hazardous metal (loid) s using genome engineering CRISPR–Cas9 technology
H Sarma, NF Islam, R Prasad, MNV Prasad, LQ Ma, J Rinklebe
Journal of Hazardous Materials 414, 125493, 2021
Fracture behaviour of aluminium alloy 2219–T87 welded plates
GV Narayana, VMJ Sharma, V Diwakar, KS Kumar, RC Prasad
Science and technology of welding and joining 9 (2), 121-130, 2004
Stable reduction of linear systems by continued fractions
R Prasad, J Pal
Journal-Institution of Engineers India Part El Electrical Engineering …, 1991
Active solar distillation technology: a wide overview
AK Singh, RK Yadav, D Mishra, R Prasad, LK Gupta, P Kumar
Desalination 493, 114652, 2020
Some studies on fatigue crack growth rate of aluminum alloy 6061
BF Jogi, PK Brahmankar, VS Nanda, RC Prasad
Journal of materials processing technology 201 (1-3), 380-384, 2008
Evaluation of fracture toughness and impact toughness of laser rapid manufactured Inconel-625 structures and their co-relation
G Puppala, A Moitra, S Sathyanarayanan, R Kaul, G Sasikala, RC Prasad, ...
Materials & Design 59, 509-515, 2014
Testing sensitization and predicting susceptibility to intergranular corrosion and intergranular stress corrosion cracking in austenitic stainless steels
V Kain, RC Prasad, PK De
Corrosion 58 (01), 2002
Fracture behavior of laser-clad joint of Stellite 21 on AISI 316L stainless steel
P Ganesh, A Moitra, P Tiwari, S Sathyanarayanan, H Kumar, SK Rai, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16-17), 3748-3756, 2010
Observation of large incomplete fusion in 16O+ 103Rh system at≈ 3–5 MeV/nucleon
U Gupta, PP Singh, DP Singh, MK Sharma, A Yadav, R Kumar, BP Singh, ...
Nuclear Physics A 811 (1-2), 77-92, 2008
Estimation of winter wheat crop growth parameters using time series Sentinel-1A SAR data
P Kumar, R Prasad, DK Gupta, VN Mishra, AK Vishwakarma, VP Yadav, ...
Geocarto international 33 (9), 942-956, 2018
Efficacy and safety of kanamycin, ethionamide, PAS and cycloserine in multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis patients.
R Prasad, SK Verma, S Sahai, S Kumar, A Jain
The Indian journal of Chest Diseases & Allied Sciences 48 (3), 183-186, 2006
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Articles 1–20