Kobylinska Lesya Кобилінська Л.І.
Kobylinska Lesya Кобилінська Л.І.
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Метаболічні аспекти формування кисневого гомеостазу в екстремальних станах
МФ Тимочко, ОП Єлісєєва, ЛІ Кобилінська, ІФ Тимочко
Львів: Місіонер 142, 1998
Putative anticancer potential of novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives: cytotoxicity toward rat C6 glioma in vitro and correlation of general toxicity with the balance of free …
LI Коbylinska, NM Boiko, RR Panchuk, II Grytsyna, LP Biletska, RB Lesyk, ...
Croatian medical journal 57 (2), 151-163, 2016
Вільнорадикальні реакції та їх метаболічна роль
МФ Тимочко, ЛІ Кобилінська
Медична хімія 1 (1), 19-25, 1999
Mentha piperita: Essential Oil and Extracts, Their Biological Activities, and Perspectives on the Development of New Medicinal and Cosmetic Products
N Hudz, L Kobylinska, K Pokajewicz, V Horčinová Sedláčková, R Fedin, ...
Molecules 28 (21), 7444, 2023
Comb-like PEG-containing polymeric composition as low toxic drug nanocarrier
L Kobylinska, I Patereha, N Finiuk, N Mitina, A Riabtseva, I Kotsyumbas, ...
Cancer nanotechnology 9, 1-13, 2018
"Biochemical indicators of hepatotoxicity in blood serum of rats under the effect of novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and doxorubicin and their complexes with …
et al. Kоbylinska, L. I.
Differential pro-apoptotic effects of synthetic 4-thiazolidinone derivative Les-3288, doxorubicin and temozolomide in human glioma U251 cells
LI Коbylinska, OY Klyuchivska, II Grytsyna, N Finiuk, RR Panchuk, ...
Croatian medical journal 58 (2), 150-159, 2017
Biochemical indicators of nephrotoxicity in blood serum of rats treated with novel 4-thiazolidinone derivatives or their complexes with polyethylene glycol-containing nanoscale …
LI Kobylinska, DY Havrylyuk, NE Mitina, AS Zaichenko, RB Lesyk, ...
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 51-60, 2016
4-Thiazolidinone derivative Les-3833 effectively inhibits viability of human melanoma cells through activating apoptotic mechanisms
N Finiuk, N Boiko, O Klyuchivska, L Коbylinska, I Kril, B Zimenkovsky, ...
Croatian Medical Journal 58 (2), 129-139, 2017
Enhanced proapoptotic effects of water dispersed complexes of 4-thiazolidinone-based chemotherapeutics with a PEG-containing polymeric nanocarrier
L Kobylinska, I Ivasechko, N Skorokhyd, R Panchuk, A Riabtseva, ...
Nanoscale Research Letters 14, 1-16, 2019
Cytotoxicity of doxorubicin-conjugated poly [N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacrylamide]-modified γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles towards human tumor cells
Z Plichta, Y Kozak, R Panchuk, V Sokolova, M Epple, L Kobylinska, ...
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9 (1), 2533-2545, 2018
Клінічна біохімія: підручник.
ОЯ Скляров
К.: Медицина, 432 с., 2006
Study of rat blood serum biochemical indicators of cardiotoxic action of novel antitumor 4-thiazolidinone derivatives and doxorubicin in complexes with polyethylene glycol …
LI Kobylyns' ka, H DIa, AO Riabtseva, M NIe, OS Zaichenko, ...
Ukrainian biochemical journal 86 (6), 84-95, 2014
Роль прооксидантноантиоксидантного балансу в адаптаційних процесах організму
ЛІ Кобилінська, МФ Тимочко
Експериментальна фізіологія та біохімія, 12, 2000
Biodistribution and anticancer characteristics of Les-3833, a novel 4-thiazolidinone-based lead compound
L Kobylinska, A Lozynskii, R Lesyk, R Stoika, SG Vari
Scientia Pharmaceutica 88 (2), 18, 2020
Targeting of the pro-oxidant-antioxidant balance in vitro and in vivo by 4-thiazolidinone-based chemotherapeutics with anticancer potential
L Kobylinska, O Klyuchivska, R Lesyk, R Stoika
The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 7-17, 2019
Increased antitumor efficiency and reduced negative side effects in laboratory mice of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives in complexes with PEG-containing polymeric nanocarrier
LI Kobylinska, NR Skorohyd, OY Klyuchivska, NE Mitina, AS Zaichenko, ...
Вiopolymers and Cell, 2018
The level of nitric oxide and arginase activity in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus during COVID-19
SYY Sklyarova O. Y., Mahiiovych S. R., Denysenko N. V., Kobylinska L. I.
Ukr. Biochem. J. 94 (5), 18-27, 2022
The role of prooxidant-antioxidant balance in the adaptational reactions of organism
LI Kobylinska, MF Tymochko
Exp and Clin Physiol and Biochem 4, 52-58, 2000
Vilnoradykalni reaktsii ta yikh metabolichna rol [Free radical reactions and their metabolic role]
MF Tymochko, LI Kobylinska
Medychna khimiia 1 (1), 19-25, 1999
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Articles 1–20