Canaan Messarra Leila
Canaan Messarra Leila
Associate professor of Management, Lebanese American University
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Cited by
Corporate ethics, governance and social responsibility in MENA countries
EGEK Messarra
Management Decision 56 (1), 273-291, 2018
Conflict resolution styles and personality: The moderating effect of generation X and Y in a non-Western context
L Canaan Messarra, S Karkoulian, AN El-Kassar
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 65 (6), 792-810, 2016
Correlates of Organizational Commitment and Knowledge Sharing via Emotional Intelligence: An Empirical Investigation
S Karkoulian, N Al Harake, L Messarra
The Business Review 15 (1), 89-96, 2010
The intriguing art of knowledge management and its relation to learning organizations
S Karkoulian, L Canaan Messarra, R McCarthy
Journal of Knowledge Management 17 (4), 511-526, 2013
Religious Diversity at Work: The Perceptual Effects of Religious Discrimination on Employee Engagement and Commitment
LC Messarra
Contemporary Management Research 10 (1), 59-80, 2014
To restrict or not to restrict personal internet usage on the job
LC Messarra, S Karkoulian, R McCarthy
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues 4 (4 …, 2011
An Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Organizational Climate and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
B Maamari, L Messarra
European Journal of Management 12 (1), 165-174, 2012
CSR, organizational identification, normative commitment, and the moderating effect of the importance of CSR
AN El-Kassar, LC Messarra, R El-Khalil
The Journal of Developing Areas 51 (3), 409-424, 2017
The moderating role of 360-degree appraisal between engagement and innovative behaviors
S Karkoulian, J Srour, L Canaan Messarra
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 69 (2), 361-381, 2020
Job insecurity: A whirlpool of chronic powerlessness
S Karkoulian, W Mukaddam, R McCarthy, L Canaan Messarra
Education, Business and Society: Contemporary Middle Eastern Issues 6 (1), 55-70, 2013
Leadership styles correlate of learning organization in a non-western culture
M Angela, K Silva, M Leila.
The Business Review 17 (2), 269-277, 2011
Core Self Evaluation: Predictor of Employee Engagement
R Shorbaji, L Messarra, S Karkoulian
The Business Review 17 (1), 276-283, 2011
The relationship between self-leadership and employee engagement in Lebanon and the UAE: the moderating role of perceived organizational support
M Malaeb, GK Dagher, L Canaan Messarra
Personnel Review 52 (9), 2284-2303, 2023
The relationship Between Machiavellians and Career Development
S Karkoulian, A Samhat, L Messarra
Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication and Conflict. 14 (1), 1-12, 2010
Correlates of the bases of power and the big five personality traits: an empirical investigation
S Karkoulian, L Messarra, M Sidani
Allied Academies International Conference. Academy of Organizational Culture …, 2009
Identifying Organizational Climate Affecting Learning Organization
L Canaan Messarra, AN El- Kassar
Business Studies Journal 5 (1), 19-28, 2013
Organizational Commitment recall in times of crisis
L Messarra, S Karkoulian
Journal of International Business Research 7 (1), 109-118, 2008
The Linkage between Professionals’ Goal Orientation and Career Anchors
L Messarra, M Mrad, N El-Harake
International Journal of Business Research 9 (1), 50-56, 2009
Four facets of cultural intelligence predictors of knowledge sharing intentions
L Messarra, S Karkoulian, A Younes
Review of Bussiness Research 8 (5), 126-131, 2008
Proactive Personality: Organization vs. Career
L Messarra, G Dagher
Business Studies Journal 2 (2), 117-127, 2010
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