Gene Yeo PhD MBA
Gene Yeo PhD MBA
Professor of Cellular and Molecular Medicine at UC San Diego
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Maximum entropy modeling of short sequence motifs with applications to RNA splicing signals
G Yeo, CB Burge
Proceedings of the seventh annual international conference on Research in …, 2003
A model for neural development and treatment of Rett syndrome using human induced pluripotent stem cells
MCN Marchetto, C Carromeu, A Acab, D Yu, GW Yeo, Y Mu, G Chen, ...
Cell 143 (4), 527-539, 2010
Expanded encyclopaedias of DNA elements in the human and mouse genomes
JE Moore, MJ Purcaro, HE Pratt, CB Epstein, N Shoresh, J Adrian, T Kawli, ...
Nature 583 (7818), 699-710, 2020
Long pre-mRNA depletion and RNA missplicing contribute to neuronal vulnerability from loss of TDP-43
M Polymenidou, C Lagier-Tourenne, KR Hutt, SC Huelga, J Moran, ...
Nature neuroscience 14 (4), 459-468, 2011
Robust transcriptome-wide discovery of RNA-binding protein binding sites with enhanced CLIP (eCLIP)
EL Van Nostrand, GA Pratt, AA Shishkin, C Gelboin-Burkhart, MY Fang, ...
Nature methods 13 (6), 508-514, 2016
Divergent transcription from active promoters
AC Seila, JM Calabrese, SS Levine, GW Yeo, PB Rahl, RA Flynn, ...
science 322 (5909), 1849-1851, 2008
A large-scale binding and functional map of human RNA-binding proteins
EL Van Nostrand, P Freese, GA Pratt, X Wang, X Wei, R Xiao, SM Blue, ...
Nature 583 (7818), 711-719, 2020
L1 retrotransposition in human neural progenitor cells
NG Coufal, JL Garcia-Perez, GE Peng, GW Yeo, Y Mu, MT Lovci, M Morell, ...
Nature 460 (7259), 1127-1131, 2009
Divergent roles of ALS-linked proteins FUS/TLS and TDP-43 intersect in processing long pre-mRNAs
C Lagier-Tourenne, M Polymenidou, KR Hutt, AQ Vu, M Baughn, ...
Nature neuroscience 15 (11), 1488-1497, 2012
Context-dependent and disease-specific diversity in protein interactions within stress granules
S Markmiller, S Soltanieh, KL Server, R Mak, W Jin, MY Fang, EC Luo, ...
Cell 172 (3), 590-604. e13, 2018
Systematic identification and analysis of exonic splicing silencers
Z Wang, ME Rolish, G Yeo, V Tung, M Mawson, CB Burge
Cell 119 (6), 831-845, 2004
Wnt-mediated activation of NeuroD1 and retro-elements during adult neurogenesis
T Kuwabara, J Hsieh, A Muotri, G Yeo, M Warashina, DC Lie, L Moore, ...
Nature neuroscience 12 (9), 1097-1105, 2009
Complex oscillatory waves emerging from cortical organoids model early human brain network development
CA Trujillo, R Gao, PD Negraes, J Gu, J Buchanan, S Preissl, A Wang, ...
Cell stem cell 25 (4), 558-569. e7, 2019
Variation in alternative splicing across human tissues
G Yeo, D Holste, G Kreiman, CB Burge
Genome biology 5, 1-15, 2004
L1 retrotransposition in neurons is modulated by MeCP2
AR Muotri, MCN Marchetto, NG Coufal, R Oefner, G Yeo, K Nakashima, ...
Nature 468 (7322), 443-446, 2010
Targeted degradation of sense and antisense C9orf72 RNA foci as therapy for ALS and frontotemporal degeneration
C Lagier-Tourenne, M Baughn, F Rigo, S Sun, P Liu, HR Li, J Jiang, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (47), E4530-E4539, 2013
An RNA code for the FOX2 splicing regulator revealed by mapping RNA-protein interactions in stem cells
GW Yeo, NG Coufal, TY Liang, GE Peng, XD Fu, FH Gage
Nature structural & molecular biology 16 (2), 130-137, 2009
How RNA-binding proteins interact with RNA: molecules and mechanisms
M Corley, MC Burns, GW Yeo
Molecular cell 78 (1), 9-29, 2020
Programmable RNA tracking in live cells with CRISPR/Cas9
DA Nelles, MY Fang, MR O’Connell, JL Xu, SJ Markmiller, JA Doudna, ...
Cell 165 (2), 488-496, 2016
Noncoding RNAs in the mammalian central nervous system
X Cao, G Yeo, AR Muotri, T Kuwabara, FH Gage
Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 29 (1), 77-103, 2006
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Articles 1–20