Alle-Jan van der Veen
Alle-Jan van der Veen
Professor at TU Delft, Fac. EEMCS, Delft, The Netherlands
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Cited by
LOFAR: The low-frequency array
MP van Haarlem, MW Wise, AW Gunst, G Heald, JP McKean, ...
Astronomy & astrophysics 556, A2, 2013
An analytical constant modulus algorithm
AJ Van Der Veen, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 44 (5), 1136-1155, 1996
Analog beamforming in MIMO communications with phase shift networks and online channel estimation
V Venkateswaran, AJ van der Veen
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 58 (8), 4131-4143, 2010
Subspace-based signal analysis using singular value decomposition
AJ Van Der Veen, EDF Deprettere, AL Swindlehurst
Proceedings of the IEEE 81 (9), 1277-1308, 1993
Joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance techniques
AJ Van der Veen, MC Vanderveen, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 46 (2), 405-418, 1998
Estimation of multipath parameters in wireless communications
MC Vanderveen, AJ Van der Veen, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 46 (3), 682-690, 1998
Space-time wireless systems: from array processing to MIMO communications
H Bölcskei, D Gesbert, CB Papadias, AJ van der Veen
Cambridge University Press, 2006
A subspace approach to blind space-time signal processing for wireless communication systems
AJ Van der Veen, S Talwar, A Paulraj
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 45 (1), 173-190, 1997
Time-varying systems and computations
P Dewilde, AJ Van der Veen
Springer Science & Business Media, 1998
Analysis of joint angle-frequency estimation using ESPRIT
AN Lemma, AJ Van Der Veen, EF Deprettere
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 51 (5), 1264-1283, 2003
Algebraic methods for deterministic blind beamforming
AJ Van Der Veen
Proceedings of the IEEE 86 (10), 1987-2008, 1998
Azimuth and elevation computation in high resolution DOA estimation
AJ van der Veen, PB Ober, EF Deprettere
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 40 (7), 1828-1832, 1992
Multichannel interference mitigation techniques in radio astronomy
A Leshem, AJ Van der Veen, AJ Boonstra
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 131 (1), 355, 2000
Joint diagonalization via subspace fitting techniques
AJ Van Der Veen
2001 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2001
Blind estimation of multiple digital signals transmitted over FIR channels
AJ Van der Veen, S Talwar, A Paulraj
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2 (5), 99-102, 1995
Some fast algorithms for sequentially semiseparable representations
S Chandrasekaran, P Dewilde, M Gu, T Pals, X Sun, AJ van der Veen, ...
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 27 (2), 341-364, 2005
Self-calibration for the LOFAR radio astronomical array
S van der Tol, BD Jeffs, AJ van der Veen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (9), 4497-4510, 2007
Multisource self-calibration for sensor arrays
SJ Wijnholds, AJ Van Der Veen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (9), 3512-3522, 2009
Joint angle and delay estimation using shift-invariance properties
AJ Van Der Veen, MC Vanderveen, AJ Paulraj
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 4 (5), 142-145, 1997
Analytical method for blind binary signal separation
AJ Van der Veen
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 45 (4), 1078-1082, 1997
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Articles 1–20