Andrea De felice
Andrea De felice
Researcher, CNR IRBIM
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Cited by
Characterizing the potential habitat of European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in the Mediterranean Sea, at different life stages
M Giannoulaki, M Iglesias, MP Tugores, A Bonanno, B Patti, A De Felice, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 22 (2), 69-89, 2013
Spatio-temporal patterns and environmental controls of small pelagic fish body condition from contrasted Mediterranean areas
P Brosset, JM Fromentin, E Van Beveren, J Lloret, V Marques, G Basilone, ...
Progress in oceanography 151, 149-162, 2017
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine Sardina pilchardus in a highly diverse ecosystem: the Mediterranean Sea
MP Tugores, M Giannoulaki, M Iglesias, A Bonanno, V Tičina, I Leonori, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 443, 181-205, 2011
Habitat suitability modelling for sardine juveniles (Sardina pilchardus) in the Mediterranean Sea
M Giannoulaki, MM Pyrounaki, B Liorzou, I Leonori, VD Valavanis, ...
Fisheries Oceanography 20 (5), 367-382, 2011
The state of the Adriatic Sea centered on the small pelagic fish populations
M Azzali, A De Felice, M Luna, G Cosimi, F Parmiggiani
Marine Ecology 23, 78-91, 2002
Spatial–temporal relationships between two euphausiid species in the Ross Sea
M Azzali, I Leonori, A De Felice, A Russo
Chemistry and Ecology 22 (sup1), S219-S233, 2006
History of hydroacoustic surveys of small pelagic fish species in the European Mediterranean Sea
I Leonori, V Tičina, M Giannoulaki, T Hattab, M Iglesias, A Bonanno, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 22 (4), 751, 2021
Habitat suitability modeling to identify the potential nursery grounds of the Atlantic mackerel and its relation to oceanographic conditions in the Mediterranean sea
M Giannoulaki, MM Pyrounaki, JH Bourdeix, L Ben Abdallah, A Bonanno, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 4, 230, 2017
Krill distribution in relation to environmental parameters in mesoscale structures in the Ross Sea
I Leonori, A De Felice, G Canduci, I Costantini, I Biagiotti, G Giuliani, ...
Journal of marine systems 166, 159-171, 2017
Biocomplexity in populations of European anchovy in the Adriatic Sea
P Ruggeri, A Splendiani, G Occhipinti, T Fioravanti, A Santojanni, ...
PLoS One 11 (4), e0153061, 2016
Comparisons of two research vessels’ properties in the acoustic surveys of small pelagic fish
I Leonori, V Tičina, A De Felice, O Vidjak, L Grubišić, A Pallaoro
Acta Adriatica 53 (3), 389-398, 2012
Distribution of Engraulis encrasicolus eggs and larvae in relation to coastal oceanographic conditions (a south-western Adriatic Sea case study)
S Malavolti, A De Felice, I Costantini, I Biagiotti, G Canduci, F Grilli, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 19 (1), 180-192, 2018
Coupling Demographic and Genetic Variability from Archived Collections of European Anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus)
P Ruggeri, A Splendiani, C Di Muri, T Fioravanti, A Santojanni, I Leonori, ...
PLoS One 11 (3), e0151507, 2016
Age and growth of spiny icefish (Chaenodraco wilsoni regan, 1914) off Joinville–D’urville islands (Antarctic Peninsula)
M La Mesa, A De Felice, CD Jones, KH Kock
CCAMLR Sci 16, 115-130, 2009
The pelagic food web of the Western Adriatic Sea: a focus on the role of small pelagics
E Fanelli, Z Da Ros, S Menicucci, S Malavolti, I Biagiotti, G Canduci, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 14554, 2023
Spatial changes in community composition and food web structure of mesozooplankton across the Adriatic basin (Mediterranean Sea)
E Fanelli, S Menicucci, S Malavolti, A De Felice, I Leonori
Biogeosciences 19 (6), 1833-1851, 2022
Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals and evidence of their effects on the HPG axis of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus
A Miccoli, F Maradonna, A De Felice, VC Barucchi, A Estonba, ...
Marine Environmental Research 127, 137-147, 2017
A joint stock assessment for the anchovy stock of the northern and central Adriatic Sea: comparison of two catch-at-age models
P Carpi, A Santojanni, F Donato, S Colella, VČ Keč, B Zorica, I Leonori, ...
Scientia Marina 79 (1), 57-70, 2015
Catch of pelagic hauls in Mediterranean acoustic surveys: Is it the same between day and night?
A Machias, MM Pyrounaki, I Leonori, G Basilone, M Iglesias, A De Felice, ...
Scientia Marina 77 (1), 69-79, 2013
Assessment of small pelagic fish biomass in the western Adriatic Sea by means of acoustic methodology
I Leonori, A De Felice, F Campanella, I Biagiotti, G Canduci
Marine research at CNR Vol. DTA/06 Fishery and Sea Resources. Rome, 2019-2029, 2011
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Articles 1–20