Penka Vasileva Tsanova
Penka Vasileva Tsanova
Other namesPenka Vasileva Genkova
Faculty of chemistry and pharmacy, University of Sofia St. Kliment Ohridski
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Synthesis of starch-stabilized silver nanoparticles and their application as a surface plasmon resonance-based sensor of hydrogen peroxide
P Vasileva, B Donkova, I Karadjova, C Dushkin
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 382 (1-3 …, 2011
Application of starch-stabilized silver nanoparticles as a colorimetric sensor for mercury (II) in 0.005 mol/L nitric acid
P Vasileva, T Alexandrova, I Karadjova
Journal of Chemistry 2017 (Article ID 6897960), 2017
Chitosan film loaded with silver nanoparticles—sorbent for solid phase extraction of Al (III), Cd (II), Cu (II), Co (II), Fe (III), Ni (II), Pb (II) and Zn (II)
L Djerahov, P Vasileva, I Karadjova, RM Kurakalva, KK Aradhi
Carbohydrate polymers 147, 45-52, 2016
Synthesis, characterization, and catalytic application of Au/ZnO nanocomposites prepared by coprecipitation
B Donkova, P Vasileva, D Nihtianova, N Velichkova, P Stefanov, ...
Journal of materials science 46, 7134-7143, 2011
Nanomaterials for elemental speciation
I Karadjova, I Dakova, T Yordanova, P Vasileva
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 31 (10), 1949-1973, 2016
Submicron silica spheres decorated with silver nanoparticles as a new effective sorbent for inorganic mercury in surface waters
T Yordanova, P Vasileva, I Karadjova, D Nihtianova
Analyst 139 (6), 1532-1540, 2014
Novel starch-mediated synthesis of Au/ZnO nanocrystals and their photocatalytic properties
B Peychev, P Vasileva
Heliyon 7 (6, e07402), DOI: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e07402, 2021
Self-standing chitosan film loaded with silver nanoparticles as a tool for selective determination of Cr (VI) by ICP-MS
L Djerahov, P Vasileva, I Karadjova
Microchemical Journal 129, 23-28, 2016
Cysteine modified silica submicrospheres as a new sorbent for preconcentration of Cd (II) and Pb (II)
I Dakova, P Vasileva, I Karadjova
Bulg. Chem. Commun 43 (2), 210-216, 2011
Solid phase extraction and diffusive gradients in thin films techniques for determination of total and labile concentrations of Cd (II), Cu (II), Ni (II) and Pb (II) in Black …
I Dakova, P Vasileva, I Karadjova, M Karadjov, V Slaveykova
International Journal of Environmental and Analytical Chemistry 91 (1), 62-73, 2011
Thermal magnetic investigation of the decomposition of NixMn1− xC2O4· 2H2O
B Donkova, B Kotzeva, P Vasileva, D Mehandjiev
Thermochimica Acta 481 (1-2), 12-19, 2009
Cr(III) Ion-Imprinted Hydrogel Membrane for Chromium Speciation Analysis in Water Samples
I Dakova, P Vasileva, I Karadjova
Gels 8 (11), 757, 2022
Colorimetric detection of iron(III) based on sensitive and selective plasmonic response of starch-coated silver nanoparticles
P Vasileva, S Dobrev, I Karadjova
Proc. SPIE 11332, International Conference on Quantum, Nonlinear, and …, 2019
Preparation and Characterization of PVA/PEG/boron hybrid materials
H Hristov, PV Tsanova, M Nedialkova
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology 12, 47-51, 2012
Surface interaction and self-assembly of cyclodextrins with organic dyes
MS Koleva B., R. Nikolova, M. Lamshoft, P. Tsanova, I. Petkov, P. Ivanov
J. Incl. Phenom. Macrocycl. Chem. 67 (3), 317-324, 2010
Smart materials in speciation analysis
I Karadjova, T Yordanova, I Dakova, P Vasileva
Handbook of Smart Materials in Analytical Chemistry, 757-793, 2019
New composite sorbent for speciation analysis of soluble chromium in textiles
P Vasileva, I Dakova, T Yordanova, I Karadjova
Open Chemistry 17 (1), 1095-1104, 2019
Preparation of two-dimensional direct opals by controlled assembly of silica spheres
S Anachkov, P Vasileva, C Dushkin
Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials 11 (9), 1355-1358, 2009
Raffinose capped silver nanoparticles: A new localized surface plasmon resonance based sensor for selective quantification of Cr(VI) in waste waters
P Vasileva, L Djerahov, I Karadjova
Molecules 26 (17), Article number 5428, 15 pages, 2021
Synthesis and characterization of ZnO nanocrystals in starch matrix
P Vasileva
Materials Science. Non-Equilibrium Phase Transformations. 2 (4), 26-29, 2016
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Articles 1–20