Madelyne Xiao
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Cited by
Deep sequencing and Circos analyses of antibody libraries reveal antigen-driven selection of Ig VH genes during HIV-1 infection
M Xiao, P Prabakaran, W Chen, B Kessing, DS Dimitrov
Experimental and molecular pathology 95 (3), 357-363, 2013
Mitogenomics suggests a sister relationship of Relicanthus daphneae (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: incerti ordinis) with Actiniaria
M Xiao, MR Brugler, MB Broe, LC Gusmão, M Daly, E Rodríguez
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 18182, 2019
Ultra-gentle soft robotic fingers induce minimal transcriptomic response in a fragile marine animal
M Tessler, MR Brugler, JA Burns, NR Sinatra, DM Vogt, A Varma, M Xiao, ...
Current Biology 30 (4), R157-R158, 2020
Account Verification on Social Media: User Perceptions and Paid Enrollment
M Xiao, M Wang, A Kulshrestha, J Mayer
USENIX Security Symposium '23, 2023
The challenges of machine learning for trust and safety: a case study on misinformation detection
M Xiao, J Mayer
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.12215, 2023
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Articles 1–5