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Ionospheric foF2 morphology and response of F2 layer height over Jicamarca during different solar epochs and comparison with IRI-2012 model
BO Adebesin, BJ Adekoya, SO Ikubanni, SJ Adebiyi, OA Adebesin, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 123, 751-765, 2014
GPS derived TEC and foF2 variability at an equatorial station and the performance of IRI-model
SJ Adebiyi, OO Odeyemi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, SO Ikubanni, ...
Advances in Space Research 54 (4), 565-575, 2014
Comparison between African equatorial station ground-based inferred vertical E× B drift, Jicamarca direct measured drift, and IRI model
JO Adeniyi, BO Adebesin, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, AO Olawepo, ...
Advances in Space Research 54 (8), 1629-1641, 2014
Multi-station observation of ionospheric disturbance of March 9 2012 and comparison with IRI-model
BO Adebesin, SO Ikubanni, SJ Adebiyi, BW Joshua
Advances in Space Research 52 (4), 604-613, 2013
Ionospheric response to magnetic activity at low and mid-latitude stations
SJ Adebiyi, IA Adimula, OA Oladipo, BW Joshua, BO Adebesin, ...
Acta Geophysica 62, 973-989, 2014
Relationship between ionospheric F2-layer critical frequency, F10. 7, and F10. 7P around African EIA trough
SO Ikubanni, JO Adeniyi
Advances in Space Research 59 (4), 1014-1022, 2017
Variability of solar wind dynamic pressure with solar wind parameters during intense and severe storms
BO Adebesin, SO Ikubanni, JS Kayode, BJ Adekoya
The African Review of Physics 8, 2013
Relationship between F2 layer critical frequency and solar activity indices during different solar epochs
SO Ikubanni, BO Adebesin, SJ Adebiyi, JO Adeniyi
Indian Journal of Radio & Space Physics 42, 73-81, 2013
Performance evaluation of GIM‐TEC assimilation of the IRI‐Plas model at two equatorial stations in the American sector
SJ Adebiyi, BO Adebesin, SO Ikubanni, BW Joshua
Space Weather 15 (5), 726-736, 2017
Determination of the threshold value of F10. 7 in the dependence of foF2 on solar activity
JO Adeniyi, SO Ikubanni
Advances in Space Research 51 (9), 1709-1714, 2013
Monthly mean foF2 model for an African low-latitude station and comparison with IRI
SO Ikubanni, JO Adeniyi, OK Obrou
Advances in Space Research 53 (4), 635-646, 2014
Variation of saturation effect in the ionospheric F2 critical frequency at low latitude
SO Ikubanni, JO Adeniyi
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 100, 24-33, 2013
Pattern of latitudinal distribution of ionospheric irregularities in the African region and the effect of March 2015 St. Patrick's Day storm
OS Bolaji, SJ Adebiyi, JB Fashae, SO Ikubanni, HA Adenle, C Owolabi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (2), e2019JA027641, 2020
Validating IRI-2016 for quiet-time F2-region peak electron density height (hmF2) at different latitudes during moderate solar activity
JO Adeniyi, BO Adebesin, SO Ikubanni, SJ Adebiyi, BJ Adekoya, ...
Advances in Space Research 68 (3), 1366-1376, 2021
Storm time IRI-Plas model forecast for an African equatorial station
SJ Adebiyi, SO Ikubanni, BO Adebesin, JO Adeniyi, BW Joshua, ...
Heliyon 5 (6), 2019
Solar-eclipse-induced perturbations at mid-latitude during the 21 August 2017 event
BJ Adekoya, BO Adebesin, TW David, SO Ikubanni, SJ Adebiyi, OS Bolaji, ...
Annales Geophysicae 37 (2), 171-182, 2019
Ionospheric storm effects in the EIA region in the American and Asian-Australian sectors during geomagnetic storms of October 2016 and September 2017
BJ Adekoya, VU Chukwuma, SJ Adebiyi, BO Adebesin, SO Ikubanni, ...
Advances in Space Research 72 (4), 1237-1265, 2023
Latitudinal dependence of ionospheric responses to some geomagnetic storms during low solar activity
BW Joshua, JO Adeniyi, AO Olawepo, B Rabiu, O Daniel, SJ Adebiyi, ...
Geomagnetism and Aeronomy 61, 418-437, 2021
Response of GPS-TEC in the African equatorial region to the two recent St. Patrick’s day storms
SO Ikubanni, SJ Adebiyi, BO Adebesin, KO Dopamu, BW Joshua, ...
International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 9 (10), 1773-1790, 2018
Equatorial F-region irregularities at different seasons in Africa
SJ Adebiyi, SO Ikubanni, OS Bolaji, JB Fashae, BO Adebesin, BW Joshua, ...
Advances in Space Research 68 (4), 1850-1863, 2021
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