Roberta Christopher
Roberta Christopher
Keigwin School of Nursing
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Cited by
Academic caring pedagogy, presence, and Communitas in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic
R Christopher, L de Tantillo, J Watson
Nursing Outlook 68 (6), 822-829, 2020
Successful implementation of a family and patient activated rapid response team in an adult level 1 trauma center
C Gerdik, RO Vallish, K Miles, SA Godwin, PS Wludyka, MK Panni
Resuscitation 81 (12), 1676-1681, 2010
Transforming graduate nursing education during an era of social distancing: Tools from the field
L de Tantillo, R Christopher
Nurse Education Today 92, 104472, 2020
Implementing the national incident management system at schools of nursing in response to COVID-19
L de Tantillo, R Christopher
Journal of Professional Nursing 37 (2), 255-260, 2021
A statewide initiative integrating Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) through academic-clinical partnerships to improve health outcomes
TM Chenot, R Christopher
Journal of Professional Nursing 35 (4), 282-292, 2019
Creating a personalized professional practice framework for nursing.
KS Miles, R Vallish
Nursing Economic$ 28 (3), 2010
Nurses' perspectives of their impact while serving on boards
LJ Sundean, CE O'Lynn, R Christopher, B Cherry
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 52 (2), 106-111, 2022
Implementing a Unit-Based Alarm Management Bundle for Critical Care Nurses
S Bosma, R Christopher
Critical care nurse 43 (2), 36-45, 2023
Moving shared governance to the next level: assessing council health and training council chairs
M Williams, R Christopher
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 53 (1), 6-11, 2023
Board Leaders' Perspectives of the Impact of Nurses on Boards
LJ Sundean, R Christopher, L Reede, J Mott, L Mylott
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 10.1097, 2023
Recognizing nursing professional growth and development in a collective bargaining environment
LD Lawson, KS Miles, RO Vallish, SA Jenkins
JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration 41 (5), 197-200, 2011
The relationship among presenteeism, absenteeism, nurse safety outcomes, and quality of care
R Christopher
University of Phoenix, 2016
Healthcare Board Readiness of Nurses at a State Level
R Christopher, LJ Sundean
Nurse Leader, 2024
A DNP quality improvement project to implement and evaluate an electronic employee injury form for reporting healthcare employee sharps injuries and splash exposures to blood …
SF Terrell, R Christopher
The business case for improving joy in practice
R Christopher
At work-But not present
R Christopher
Sigma's 30th International Nursing Research Congress
R Christopher
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Articles 1–17