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Morphometry of micrite particles in cretaceous microporous limestones of the Middle East: Influence on reservoir properties
MD de Periere, C Durlet, E Vennin, L Lambert, R Bourillot, B Caline, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 28 (9), 1727-1750, 2011
Unexpected Early Triassic marine ecosystem and the rise of the Modern evolutionary fauna
A Brayard, LJ Krumenacker, JP Botting, JF Jenks, KG Bylund, E Fara, ...
Science Advances 3 (2), e1602159, 2017
Transient metazoan reefs in the aftermath of the end-Permian mass extinction
A Brayard, E Vennin, N Olivier, KG Bylund, J Jenks, DA Stephen, ...
Nature Geoscience 4 (10), 693-697, 2011
Microbial and diagenetic steps leading to the mineralisation of Great Salt Lake microbialites
A Pace, R Bourillot, A Bouton, E Vennin, S Galaup, I Bundeleva, P Patrier, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 31495, 2016
Recovery of benthic marine communities from the end‐P ermian mass extinction at the low latitudes of eastern P anthalassa
R Hofmann, M Hautmann, A Brayard, A Nützel, KG Bylund, JF Jenks, ...
Palaeontology 57 (3), 547-589, 2014
Evaporitic constraints on the southward drifting of the western Gondwana margin during Early Cambrian times
JJ Álvaro, JM Rouchy, T Bechstädt, A Boucot, F Boyer, F Debrenne, ...
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 160 (1-2), 105-122, 2000
The late Ordovician carbonate sedimentation as a major triggering factor of the Hirnantian glaciation
E Villas, E Vennin, JJ Álvaro, W Hammann, ZA Herrera, EL Piovano
Bulletin de la Societé géologique de France 173 (6), 569-578, 2002
High‐latitude pelmatozoan–bryozoan mud‐mounds from the late Ordovician northern Gondwana platform
E Vennin, JJ Alvaro, E Villas
Geological Journal 33 (2), 121-140, 1998
Smithian ammonoid faunas from Utah: implications for Early Triassic biostratigraphy, correlation and basinal paleogeography
A Brayard, KG Bylund, JF Jenks, DA Stephen, N Olivier, G Escarguel, ...
Swiss Journal of Palaeontology 132, 141-219, 2013
Formation of stromatolite lamina at the interface of oxygenic–anoxygenic photosynthesis
A Pace, R Bourillot, A Bouton, E Vennin, O Braissant, C Dupraz, T Duteil, ...
Geobiology 16 (4), 378-398, 2018
The Early-Cambrian Boho volcano of the El Graara massif, Morocco: Petrology, geodynamic setting and coeval sedimentation
JJ Álvaro, H Ezzouhairi, E Vennin, ML Ribeiro, S Clausen, A Charif, ...
Journal of African Earth Sciences 44 (3), 396-410, 2006
Sedimentary patterns across the Lower–Middle Cambrian transition in the Esla nappe (Cantabrian Mountains, northern Spain)
JJ Álvaro, E Vennin, E Moreno-Eiris, A Perejón, T Bechstädt
Sedimentary Geology 137 (1-2), 43-61, 2000
Effect of the Ordovician paleogeography on the (in) stability of the climate
A Pohl, Y Donnadieu, G Le Hir, JF Buoncristiani, E Vennin
Climate of the Past 10 (6), 2053-2066, 2014
Evidence for a complex Valanginian nannoconid decline in the Vocontian basin (South East France)
N Barbarin, A Bonin, E Mattioli, E Pucéat, H Cappetta, B Gréselle, B Pittet, ...
Marine Micropaleontology 84, 37-53, 2012
The end of the Messinian Salinity Crisis in the western Mediterranean: Insights from the carbonate platforms of south-eastern Spain
R Bourillot, E Vennin, JM Rouchy, MM Blanc-Valleron, A Caruso, C Durlet
Sedimentary Geology 229 (4), 224-253, 2010
Sequence stratigraphy and carbon isotope stratigraphy of an Aptian mixed carbonate-siliciclastic platform to basin transition (Galve sub-basin, NE Spain)
JC Embry, E Vennin, FSP Van Buchem, R Schroeder, C Pierre, M Aurell
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 329 (1), 113-143, 2010
Carbonate platform drowning in a foreland setting; the Mid-Carboniferous platform in western Urals (Russia)
JN Proust, BI Chuvashov, E Vennin, T Boisseau
Journal of Sedimentary Research 68 (6), 1175-1188, 1998
Microbial deposits in the aftermath of the end‐Permian mass extinction: A diverging case from the Mineral Mountains (Utah, USA)
E Vennin, N Olivier, A Brayard, I Bour, C Thomazo, G Escarguel, E Fara, ...
Sedimentology 62 (3), 753-792, 2015
A 3D outcrop analogue model for Ypresian nummulitic carbonate reservoirs: Jebel Ousselat, northern Tunisia
E Vennin, FSP Van Buchem, P Joseph, F Gaumet, M Sonnenfeld, ...
Petroleum Geoscience 9 (2), 145-161, 2003
Linking the distribution of microbial deposits from the Great Salt Lake (Utah, USA) to tectonic and climatic processes
A Bouton, E Vennin, J Boulle, A Pace, R Bourillot, C Thomazo, A Brayard, ...
Biogeosciences 13 (19), 5511-5526, 2016
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Articles 1–20