Stephanie M. Curenton
Cited by
Cited by
African American and Caucasian preschoolers’ use of decontextualized language
SM Curenton, LM Justice
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2004
Impact of professional development on preschool teachers’ conversational responsivity and children's linguistic productivity and complexity
SB Piasta, LM Justice, SQ Cabell, AK Wiggins, KP Turnbull, SM Curenton
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 27 (3), 387-400, 2012
Children's preliteracy skills: Influence of mothers' education and beliefs about shared-reading interactions
SM Curenton, LM Justice
Early Education and Development 19 (2), 261-283, 2008
The impact of teacher responsivity education on preschoolers' language and literacy skills
SQ Cabell, LM Justice, SB Piasta, SM Curenton, A Wiggins, KP Turnbull, ...
American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Rockville, MD, 2011
Use of decontextualized talk across story contexts: How oral storytelling and emergent reading can scaffold children's development
SM Curenton, MJ Craig, N Flanigan
Early education and development 19 (1), 161-187, 2008
Shared‐reading versus oral storytelling: Associations with preschoolers’ prosocial skills and problem behaviours
SM Curenton, MJ Craig
Early Child Development and Care 181 (1), 123-146, 2011
Effects of racism on child development: Advancing antiracist developmental science
IU Iruka, N Gardner-Neblett, NA Telfer, N Ibekwe-Okafor, SM Curenton, ...
Annual Review of Developmental Psychology 4 (1), 109-132, 2022
Understanding the landscapes of stories: The association between preschoolers’ narrative comprehension and production skills and cognitive abilities
SM Curenton
Early Child Development and Care 181 (6), 791-808, 2011
The association between narratives and theory of mind for low-income preschoolers
SM Curenton
Early Education and Development 15 (2), 124-146, 2004
Don't look away: Embracing anti-bias classrooms
IU Iruka, SM Curenton, TR Durden, KA Escayg
Gryphon House, 2020
Validity for the Assessing Classroom Sociocultural Equity Scale (ACSES) in early childhood classrooms
SM Curenton, IU Iruka, M Humphries, B Jensen, T Durden, SE Rochester, ...
Early Education and Development 31 (2), 284-303, 2020
Oral storytelling a cultural art that promotes school readiness
SM Curenton
YC Young Children 61 (5), 78, 2006
Predictors of mental state understanding in preschoolers of varying socioeconomic backgrounds
P Garner, S Curenton, K Taylor
International Journal of Behavioral Development 29 (4), 271-281, 2005
Assessing young children's oral narrative skills
SM Curenton, TD Lucas
Assessment in emergent literacy. San Diego: Plural Publishing Inc, 377-432, 2007
Children's understanding of the animacy constraint on pretense
AS Lillard, A Zeljo, S Curenton, AS Kaugars
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly (1982-), 21-44, 2000
Distinguishing maltreating versus nonmaltreating at-risk families: implications for foster care and early childhood education interventions
SM Curenton, LM McWey, MG Bolen
Families in Society 90 (2), 176-182, 2009
Qualitative descriptions of middle-class, African American mothers’ child-rearing practices and values
SM Curenton, JE Crowley, DM Mouzon
Journal of Family Issues 39 (4), 868-895, 2018
Factors associated with early school readiness profiles for Black girls
IU Iruka, SM Curenton, J Sims, KA Blitch, S Gardner
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 51, 215-228, 2020
Does aggregate school-wide achievement mediate fifth grade outcomes for former early childhood education participants?
SM Curenton, N Dong, X Shen
Developmental Psychology 51 (7), 921, 2015
How changes in home and neighborhood environment factors are related to change in Black children's academic and social development from kindergarten to third grade
IU Iruka, SM Curenton, S Gardner
Journal of Negro Education 84 (3), 282-297, 2015
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Articles 1–20