Steve DC Pham
Steve DC Pham
Owens Corning, Composite Science and Technology
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Cited by
Cited by
Progressive failure analysis of composites
TE Tay, G Liu, VBC Tan, XS Sun, DC Pham
Journal of Composite Materials 42 (18), 1921-1966, 2008
Strength & life of composites
SW Tsai
TE Tay, G Liu, X Sun, M Ridha, V Tan, DC Pham - coauthors, 2008
A review on design, manufacture and mechanics of composite risers
DC Pham, N Sridhar, X Qian, AJ Sobey, M Achintha, A Shenoi
Ocean Engineering 112, 82-96, 2016
Experimental investigation and damage simulation of large-scaled filament wound composite pipes
Z Huang, X Qian, Z Su, DC Pham, N Sridhar
Composites Part B: Engineering 184, 107639, 2020
A discrete crack informed 3D continuum damage model and its application for delamination migration in composite laminates
DC Pham, X Cui, X Ren, J Lua
Composites Part B: Engineering 165, 554-562, 2019
Progressive failure analysis of scaled double-notched carbon/epoxy composite laminates
DC Pham, XS Sun, VBC Tan, B Chen, TE Tay
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 21 (8), 1154-1185, 2012
Experimental and computational studies on progressive failure analysis of notched cross-ply CFRP composite
DC Pham, X Sun
International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Engineering 1 …, 2012
A three-dimensional progressive damage model for drop-weight impact and compression after impact
DC Pham, J Lua, H Sun, D Zhang
Journal of Composite Materials 54 (4), 449-462, 2020
Fatigue behaviour and life prediction of filament wound CFRP pipes based on coupon tests
Z Huang, W Zhang, X Qian, Z Su, DC Pham, N Sridhar
Marine Structures 72, 102756, 2020
An optimization tool for impact analysis of composite structures
DC Pham, S Narayanaswamy
Procedia Engineering 75, 3-8, 2014
An effective modeling strategy for drop test analysis of composite curved beam
DC Pham, S Narayanaswamy
56th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2015
Multiscale finite element analysis of unbonded flexible risers
B Edmans, DC Pham, Z Zhang, T Guo, S Narayanaswamy, G Stewart
ASME 2014 33rd International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic …, 2014
Extreme response based reliability analysis of composite risers for applications in deepwater
HA Ragheb, M Goodridge, DC Pham, AJ Sobey
Marine Structures 78, 103015, 2021
An Effective Constitutive Model for Unbonded Flexible Risers
DC Pham, TF Guo, Z Zhang, S Narayanaswamy, B Edmans
Offshore Technology Conference-Asia, 2014
An effective multiscale methodology for the analysis of marine flexible risers
BD Edmans, DC Pham, ZQ Zhang, TF Guo, N Sridhar, G Stewart
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (10), 340, 2019
Characterization of Fabrication Induced Defects and Assessment of Their Effects on Integrity of Composite Structures
J Lua, DC Pham, A Sadeghirad, A Karuppiah, X Cui, W Seneviratne, ...
Proceedings of the AHS International 74th Annual Forum and Technology …, 2018
Experimental and numerical studies of large-scaled filament wound T700/X4201 composite risers under bending
DC Pham, Z Su, N Sridhar, X Qian, Z Huang, AJ Sobey, RA Shenoi
17th European Conference on Composite Materials, 2016
Composite riser design and development–a review
DC Pham, S Narayanaswamy, X Qian, A Sobey, M Achintha, A Shenoi
Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Marine Structures, United …, 2014
A continuum damage description for a discrete crack modeling approach for delamination migration in composite laminates
DC Pham, J Lua, D Zhang
2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2018
Compressive failure modeling of composites with defects
DC Pham, X Cui, A Karuppiah, J Lua
AIAA/ ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials …, 2019
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Articles 1–20