Akanksha Sharma
Cited by
Cited by
Maillard reaction in food allergy: Pros and cons
RK Gupta, K Gupta, A Sharma, M Das, IA Ansari, PD Dwivedi
Critical reviews in food science and nutrition 58 (2), 208-226, 2018
Health Risks and Benefits of Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Consumption
RK Gupta, K Gupta, A Sharma, M Das, IA Ansari, PD Dwivedi
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 65 (1), 6-22, 2017
Zinc oxide nanoparticles provide an adjuvant effect to ovalbumin via a Th2 response in Balb/c mice
R Roy, S Kumar, AK Verma, A Sharma, BP Chaudhari, A Tripathi, M Das, ...
International immunology 26 (3), 159-172, 2014
ZnO nanoparticles induced adjuvant effect via toll-like receptors and Src signaling in Balb/c mice
R Roy, D Kumar, A Sharma, P Gupta, BP Chaudhari, A Tripathi, M Das, ...
Toxicology letters 230 (3), 421-433, 2014
Phytohemagglutinins augment red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) induced allergic manifestations
S Kumar, AK Verma, A Sharma, D Kumar, A Tripathi, BP Chaudhari, ...
Journal of proteomics 93, 50-64, 2013
A comprehensive review on mustard-induced allergy and implications for human health
A Sharma, AK Verma, RK Gupta, Neelabh, PD Dwivedi
Clinical reviews in allergy & immunology 57, 39-54, 2019
Augmenter of liver regeneration: Mitochondrial function and steatohepatitis
AK Verma, A Sharma, N Subramaniyam, CR Gandhi
Journal of Hepatology 77 (5), 1410-1421, 2022
Hepatic deficiency of augmenter of liver regeneration predisposes to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and fibrosis
S Kumar, AK Verma, R Rani, A Sharma, J Wang, SA Shah, J Behari, ...
Hepatology 72 (5), 1586-1604, 2020
Reversion of asthmatic complications and mast cell signalling pathways in BALB/c mice model using quercetin nanocrystals
K Gupta, S Kumar, RK Gupta, A Sharma, AK Verma, K Stalin, ...
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 12 (4), 717-731, 2016
Mechanisms of concanavalin A-induced cytokine synthesis by hepatic stellate cells: distinct roles of interferon regulatory factor-1 in liver injury
R Rani, S Kumar, A Sharma, SK Mohanty, B Donnelly, GM Tiao, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 293 (48), 18466-18476, 2018
Glycation of clinically relevant chickpea allergen attenuates its allergic immune response in Balb/c mice
RK Gupta, A Raghav, A Sharma, K Gupta, P Mandal, A Tripathi, IA Ansari, ...
Food chemistry 235, 244-256, 2017
The Forkhead box F1 transcription factor inhibits collagen deposition and accumulation of myofibroblasts during liver fibrosis
HM Flood, C Bolte, N Dasgupta, A Sharma, Y Zhang, CR Gandhi, ...
Biology Open 8 (2), bio039800, 2019
Leucoagglutinating phytohemagglutinin: purification, characterization, proteolytic digestion and assessment for allergenicity potential in BALB/c mice
S Kumar, A Sharma, M Das, SK Jain, PD Dwivedi
Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology 36 (2), 138-144, 2014
Allergenicity assessment of Buchanania lanzan protein extract in Balb/c mice
S Kumar, A Sharma, RK Gupta, AK Verma, PD Dwivedi
International Immunopharmacology 63, 170-182, 2018
Allergenicity potential of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) proteins in orally treated BALB/c mice and passively sensitized RBL-2H3 cells
S Kumar, A Sharma, AK Verma, BP Chaudhari, M Das, SK Jain, ...
Cellular Immunology 284 (1-2), 37-44, 2013
Hypersensitivity linked to exposure of broad bean protein (s) in allergic patients and BALB/c mice
D Kumar, S Kumar, AK Verma, A Sharma, A Tripathi, BP Chaudhari, ...
Nutrition 30 (7-8), 903-914, 2014
Allergic manifestation by black gram (Vigna mungo) proteins in allergic patients, BALB/c mice and RBL-2H3 cells
AK Verma, S Kumar, A Sharma, D Kumar, R Roy, RK Gupta, ...
International Immunopharmacology 23 (1), 92-103, 2014
Purification, characterization and allergenicity assessment of 26 kDa protein, a major allergen from Cicer arietinum
AK Verma, A Sharma, S Kumar, RK Gupta, D Kumar, K Gupta, ...
Molecular Immunology 74, 113-124, 2016
Phaseolin: A 47.5 kDa protein of red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plays a pivotal role in hypersensitivity induction
S Kumar, AK Verma, A Sharma, R Roy, D Kumar, BH Giridhar, A Tripathi, ...
International Immunopharmacology 19 (1), 178-190, 2014
Endotoxin-stimulated hepatic stellate cells augment acetaminophen-induced hepatocyte injury
R Rani, A Sharma, J Wang, S Kumar, US Polaki, CR Gandhi
The American Journal of Pathology 192 (3), 518-535, 2022
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Articles 1–20