Dr Katie Page
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Cited by
The four principles: Can they be measured and do they predict ethical decision making?
K Page
BMC medical ethics 13, 1-8, 2012
Using a theory of planned behaviour framework to explore hand hygiene beliefs at the ‘5 critical moments’ among Australian hospital-based nurses
KM White, NL Jimmieson, PL Obst, N Graves, A Barnett, W Cockshaw, ...
BMC health services research 15, 1-9, 2015
The second leg home advantage: Evidence from European football cup competitions
L Page, K Page
Journal of Sports Sciences 25 (14), 1547-1556, 2007
Alone against the crowd: Individual differences in referees’ ability to cope under pressure
K Page, L Page
Journal of Economic Psychology 31 (2), 192-199, 2010
An environmental cleaning bundle and health-care-associated infections in hospitals (REACH): a multicentre, randomised trial
BG Mitchell, L Hall, N White, AG Barnett, K Halton, DL Paterson, TV Riley, ...
The lancet infectious diseases 19 (4), 410-418, 2019
Last shall be first: A field study of biases in sequential performance evaluation on the Idol series
L Page, K Page
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 73 (2), 186-198, 2010
The increased risks of death and extra lengths of hospital and ICU stay from hospital-acquired bloodstream infections: a case–control study
AG Barnett, K Page, M Campbell, E Martin, R Rashleigh-Rolls, K Halton, ...
BMJ open 3 (10), e003587, 2013
Antibiotic prescribing in primary healthcare: dominant factors and trade-offs in decision-making
EPM Lum, K Page, JA Whitty, J Doust, N Graves
Infection, Disease & Health 23 (2), 74-86, 2018
Bridging the gap: exploring the barriers to using economic evidence in healthcare decision making and strategies for improving uptake
G Merlo, K Page, J Ratcliffe, K Halton, N Graves
Applied health economics and health policy 13, 303-309, 2015
Australian consumer perspectives, attitudes and behaviours on antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance: a qualitative study with implications for public health policy and practice
EPM Lum, K Page, L Nissen, J Doust, N Graves
BMC public health 17, 1-12, 2017
What is a hospital bed day worth? A contingent valuation study of hospital Chief Executive Officers
K Page, AG Barnett, N Graves
BMC health services research 17, 1-8, 2017
Researching effective approaches to cleaning in hospitals: protocol of the REACH study, a multi-site stepped-wedge randomised trial
L Hall, A Farrington, BG Mitchell, AG Barnett, K Halton, M Allen, K Page, ...
Implementation Science 11, 1-10, 2015
Changes in knowledge and attitudes of hospital environmental services staff: the researching effective approaches to cleaning in hospitals (REACH) study
BG Mitchell, N White, A Farrington, M Allen, K Page, A Gardner, K Halton, ...
American journal of infection control 46 (9), 980-985, 2018
Cost-Effectiveness of a National Initiative to Improve Hand Hygiene Compliance Using the Outcome of Healthcare Associated Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia
N Graves, K Page, E Martin, D Brain, L Hall, M Campbell, N Fulop, ...
PLoS One 11 (2), e0148190, 2016
The role of time pressure and different psychological safety climate referents in the prediction of nurses’ hand hygiene compliance
NL Jimmieson, MK Tucker, KM White, J Liao, M Campbell, D Brain, ...
Safety Science 82, 29-43, 2016
Cost-effectiveness of an environmental cleaning bundle for reducing healthcare-associated infections
NM White, AG Barnett, L Hall, BG Mitchell, A Farrington, K Halton, ...
Clinical Infectious Diseases 70 (12), 2461-2468, 2020
Understanding the determinants of Australian hospital nurses’ hand hygiene decisions following the implementation of a national hand hygiene initiative
KM White, LC Starfelt, NL Jimmieson, M Campbell, N Graves, AG Barnett, ...
Health education research 30 (6), 959-970, 2015
Use of the Theoretical Domains Framework to evaluate factors driving successful implementation of the Accelerated Chest pain Risk Evaluation (ACRE) project
W Skoien, K Page, W Parsonage, S Ashover, T Milburn, L Cullen
Implementation Science 11, 1-11, 2016
Humans,‘things’ and space: costing hospital infection control interventions
K Page, N Graves, K Halton, AG Barnett
Journal of Hospital Infection 84 (3), 200-205, 2013
Variation in hospital cleaning practice and process in Australian hospitals: a structured mapping exercise
BG Mitchell, A Farrington, M Allen, A Gardner, L Hall, AG Barnett, K Halton, ...
Infection, Disease & Health 22 (4), 195-202, 2017
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Articles 1–20