Nicole Werner
Nicole Werner
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Childhood aggression and gender: A new look at an old problem
NR Crick
Nebraska symposium on motivation/The University of Nebraska Press, 1999
A longitudinal study of relational aggression, physical aggression, and children's social–psychological adjustment
NR Crick, JM Ostrov, NE Werner
Journal of abnormal child psychology 34, 127-138, 2006
Relational aggression and social-psychological adjustment in a college sample.
NE Werner, NR Crick
Journal of abnormal psychology 108 (4), 615, 1999
Response decision processes in relational and overt aggression
NR Crick, NE Werner
Child development 69 (6), 1630-1639, 1998
Maladaptive peer relationships and the development of relational and physical aggression during middle childhood
NE Werner, NR Crick
Social Development 13 (4), 495-514, 2004
Normative beliefs and relational aggression: An investigation of the cognitive bases of adolescent aggressive behavior
NE Werner, CL Nixon
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 34, 229-243, 2005
Affiliative motivation, school attachment, and aggression in school
LG Hill, NE Werner
Psychology in the Schools 43 (2), 231-246, 2006
Involvement in internet aggression during early adolescence
NE Werner, MF Bumpus, D Rock
Journal of youth and adolescence 39, 607-619, 2010
A comparison of two approaches to the study of negative peer treatment: General victimization and bully/victim problems among German schoolchildren
M Schäfer, NE Werner, NR Crick
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 20 (2), 281-306, 2002
Individual and peer group normative beliefs about relational aggression
NE Werner, LG Hill
Child development 81 (3), 826-836, 2010
Family relationship quality and contact with deviant peers as predictors of adolescent problem behaviors: The moderating role of gender
NE Werner, RK Silbereisen
Journal of adolescent research 18 (5), 454-480, 2003
Mothers' responses to preschoolers' relational and physical aggression
NE Werner, S Senich, KA Przepyszny
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 27 (3), 193-208, 2006
Relational aggression and psychosocial adjustment in intercollegiate athletes.
EA Storch, NE Werner, JB Storch
Journal of Sport Behavior 26 (2), 2003
Relationally aggressive media exposure and children's normative beliefs: Does parental mediation matter?
J Ruh Linder, NE Werner
Family Relations 61 (3), 488-500, 2012
Mothers' cognitions about relational aggression: Associations with discipline responses, children's normative beliefs, and peer competence
NE Werner, S Grant
Social Development 18 (1), 77-98, 2009
Do hostile attribution biases in children and parents predict relationally aggressive behavior?
NE Werner
The Journal of genetic psychology 173 (3), 221-245, 2012
Reducing adolescents' involvement with relational aggression: Evaluating the effectiveness of the Creating A Safe School (CASS) intervention
CL Nixon, NE Werner
Psychology in the Schools 47 (6), 606-620, 2010
Automatic and controlled social information processing and relational aggression in young adults
JR Linder, NE Werner, KA Lyle
Personality and Individual Differences 49 (7), 778-783, 2010
Maternal social coaching quality interrupts the development of relational aggression during early childhood
NE Werner, AD Eaton, K Lyle, H Tseng, B Holst
Social Development 23 (3), 470-486, 2014
Aggression und Viktimisierung in Schulen:„Chancengleichheit “für aggressive Mädchen
NE Werner, MA Bigbee, NR Crick
Aggression und Gewalt unter Kindern und Jugendlichen, 153-177, 1999
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