Paulo Rocha
Paulo Rocha
P&D Rizoma
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Cited by
Sugarcane straw removal effects on Ultisols and Oxisols in south-central Brazil
LS Satiro, MR Cherubin, JL Safanelli, IP Lisboa, PR da Rocha Junior, ...
Geoderma Regional 11, 86-95, 2017
Soil, water, and nutrient losses from management alternatives for degraded pasture in Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest biome
PR da Rocha Junior, FV Andrade, E de Sá Mendonça, GK Donagemma, ...
Science of the Total Environment 583, 53-63, 2017
Soil surface roughness under tillage practices and its consequences for water and sediment losses
PR da Rocha Junior, R Bhattarai, RB Alves Fernandes, PK Kalita, ...
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 16 (4), 1065-1074, 2016
Phytoremediation of barium-affected flooded soils using single and intercropping cultivation of aquatic macrophytes
CFM de Carvalho, DG Viana, FR Pires, FB Egreja Filho, R Bonomo, ...
Chemosphere 214, 10-16, 2019
Phytoremediation and natural attenuation of sulfentrazone: mineralogy influence of three highly weathered soils
E Santos, FR Pires, AD Ferreira, FB Egreja Filho, JC Madalão, R Bonomo, ...
International journal of phytoremediation 21 (7), 652-662, 2019
Degradação de pastagens brasileiras e práticas de recuperação
PRR Junior, VM Silva, G Guimarães
Enciclopédia biosfera 9 (17), 2013
Soil quality indicators to evaluate environmental services at different landscape positions and land uses in the Atlantic Forest biome
PR da Rocha Junior, WP Sturião, NO Nogueira, RR Passos, ...
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators 7, 100047, 2020
Soil carbon stock in silvopastoral system, pasture and sugarcaneculture
PRDR Junior, ML Soares, IG Ribeiro, ASV Da Costa, GK Donagemma, ...
Idesia 32 (1), 35-42, 2014
Distribution of C and inorganic phosphorus fractions in different aggregate sizes under forestry, agroforestry system and pasture
PR Rocha Junior, PH Ribeiro, LF Mesquita, FV Andrade, ES Mendonça
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 18 (2), 361-375, 2018
Soil cover and chemical and physical attributes in Oxisol in the Atlantic Forest Biome
APA Bertossi, PR Rocha, PH Ribeiro, JPC Menezes, RA Cecílio, ...
Revista Árvore 40 (2), 219-228, 2016
Cutting frequency effect on barium phytoextraction by macrophytes in flooded environment: A field trial
DG Viana, FR Pires, FB Egreja Filho, R Bonomo, LF Martins, KA Costa, ...
Journal of hazardous materials 362, 124-131, 2019
How does pig slurry fertilization influence percolated water and runoff erosion? A study of the soybean cycle in Brazilian Cerrado soil
PR da Rocha Junior, FR Pires, MM Lima, JFS Menezes, DG Viana
Catena 157, 205-212, 2017
Field-based quality indicators in degraded pasture of the Atlantic forest biome
PR da Rocha, GK Donagemma, FV Andrade, RR Passos, ASV da Costa, ...
Australian Journal of Crop Science 11 (6), 652-661, 2017
Runoff sediment and P losses from various soil management practices: modelling in hilly slopes
PR Rocha Junior, R Bhattarai, RB Alves Fernandes, PK Kalita, ...
Journal of soil science and plant nutrition 18 (1), 113-128, 2018
Water footprint of Arabica coffee from “Matas de Minas” under shade management
LMR Silva, MF Ribeiro, WPM Ferreira, PR Rocha, RBA Fernandes
Revista Ceres 69 (4), 488-494, 2022
Can soil organic carbon pools indicate the degradation levels of pastures in the Atlantic Forest biome.
PR da Rocha Junior, GK Donagemma, FV Andrade, RR Passos, ...
Journal of Agricultural Science, v. 6, n. 1, 2014., 2014
Land use and altitude: how do they influence the phosphorus fractions?
ACF Ferreira, FV Andrade, ES Mendonça, PR Rocha
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 44, e54801, 2022
Physical attributes and organic material in pastures of Brachiaria brizantha at degradation levels.
P Roberto da ROCHA JUNIOR, G Kangussú DONAGEMMA, ...
Bioscience Journal 38, 2022
Sistemas de manejo de pastagens no Brasil: análise crítica.
ES MENDONÇA, PR da Rocha Junior, FV Andrade, GK Donagemma
In: GARCIA, G. de O.; REIS, EF dos; LIMA, JS de S.; XAVIER, AC; RODRIGUES …, 2015
Geoderma Regional
LS Satiro, MR Cherubin, JL Safanelli, IP Lisboa, PR da Rocha, CEP Cerri, ...
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Articles 1–20