Sergey Gagarskiy
Sergey Gagarskiy
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Nonlinear refraction of light on second-harmonic generation
NR Belashenkov, SV Gagarskii, MV Inochkin
Optics and Spectroscopy 66 (6), 806-808, 1989
Frequency conversion in KTP crystal and its isomorphs
S Gagarskiy, S Grechin, P Druzhinin, K Kato, D Kochiev, P Nikolaev, ...
Crystals 8 (10), 386, 2018
Diode-pumped ytterbium—erbium glass microlasers with optical Q-switching based on frustrated total internal reflection
SV Gagarskii, BI Galagan, BI Denker, AA Korchagin, VV Osiko, ...
Quantum Electronics 30 (1), 10, 2000
Thresholds for nonlinear recording of fluorescent centers in chromone-doped polymer films
AO Ayt, VA Barachevsky, A Duensing, YY Fomicheva, SV Gagarskiy, ...
Optical and Quantum Electronics 49, 1-8, 2017
946 nm Nd: YAG laser with cavity dumping
AF Kornev, VP Pokrovskiy, SV Gagarskiy, YY Fomicheva, PA Gnatyuk, ...
Optics Letters 43 (14), 3457-3460, 2018
Study of hydrodynamic processes in liquids under the influence of powerful microsecond Yb, Er: Glass laser pulses
AV Belikov, SV Gagarsky, AN Sergeev, SN Smirnov
Journal of Instrument Engineering 60 (4), 367-374, 2017
Миниатюрные диодно-накачиваемые лазеры на иттербий-эрбиевых стеклах с модуляцией добротности оптическими затворами на нарушенном полном внутреннем отражении
СВ Гагарский, БИ Галаган, БИ Денкер, АА Корчагин, ВВ Осико, ...
Квантовая электроника 30 (1), 10-12, 2000
Subjoule diode-pumped ytterbium-erbium glass laser with cavity dumping for cataract extraction
V Belikov Andrey, V Gagarsky Sergey, B Gubin Anton
Journal Scientific and Technical Of Information Technologies, Mechanics and …, 2015
Two-photon recording of stable luminescent centers in chromone-doped polymer films
A Ayt, VA Barachevsky, OI Kobeleva, TM Valova, SV Gagarskiy, VV Kiyko, ...
2014 International Conference Laser Optics, 1-1, 2014
Импульсный блок питания лазерных диодных модулей для накачки твердотельных лазеров
ВВ Тогатов, СВ Гагарский, ПА Гнатюк, ЮИ Черевко
Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 235-237, 2007
Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved
VY Khramov, SV Gagarskii, AN Sergeev
Priborostr. 62, 142, 2019
Высоковольтный импульсный модулятор с наносекундным фронтом
ВВ Тогатов, СВ Гагарский, ПА Гнатюк, ДС Терновский
Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 238-240, 2007
Study of acoustic signal during laser hydroacoustic processing of biological tissue by microsecond pulses of ytterbium-erbium glass laser radiation
V Belikov Andrey, V Gagarsky Sergey, NS Andrey, N Smirnov Sergey, ...
Journal Scientific and Technical Of Information Technologies, Mechanics and …, 2018
Capabilities of Laser-Induced Marks as Information Carriers Created in Different Materials.
VA Gnatyuk, OI Vlasenko, SN Levytskyi, T Aoki, V Mizeikis, SV Gagarsky, ...
Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering 11 (2), 2016
In vitro Yb, Er: Glass laser hydroacoustic processing of human cataract eye lens: influence of pulse structure on removal efficiency
AV Belikov, SV Gagarsky, AN Sergeev, SN Smirnov, AM Zagorulko
Saratov Fall Meeting 2018: Optical and Nano-Technologies for Biology and …, 2019
Температурная зависимость энергетических параметров лазеров на основе неодимсодержащих кристаллов
ВА Алексеева, АВ Лукин, СВ Гагарский, МЮ Сибирев, СИ Ханков
Научно-технический вестник информационных технологий, механики и оптики, 5-16, 2001
Peculiarities of temporal structure of erbium lasers
GB Altshuler, AV Belikov, SV Gagarskiy, AV Erofeev, SE Parakhuda
Advanced Laser Dentistry 1984, 190-200, 1995
Investigation of optical and hydrodynamic processes initiated in biological tissues and liquids under the action of high-power pulses of 1.54 µm laser radiation
AV Belikov, YY Fomicheva, SV Gagarskiy, AN Sergeev, SN Smirnov, ...
Saratov Fall Meeting 2017: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine …, 2018
In vitro destruction of anterior human lens capsule by submicrosecond pulses of Yb, Er: Glass laser
AV Belikov, SV Gagarsky, AN Sergeev, SN Smirnov
Saratov Fall Meeting 2016: Optical Technologies in Biophysics and Medicine …, 2017
946 nm Nd: YAG regenerative amplifier 20 mJ/3 ns
EA Buslaeva, SV Gagarskiy, PA Gnatyuk, AS Kovyarov, AF Kornev, ...
2016 International Conference Laser Optics (LO), R1-34-R1-34, 2016
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Articles 1–20