Ingmar Björkman
Ingmar Björkman
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MNC knowledge transfer, subsidiary absorptive capacity and HRM.
D Minbaeva, T Pedersen, I Björkman, CF Fey
Academy of Management Proceedings 2002 (1), F1-F6, 2002
The global challenge: International human resource management
V Pucik, P Evans, I Bjorkman, S Morris
SAGE Publications, 2016
Managing knowledge transfer in MNCs: The impact of headquarters control mechanisms
I Björkman, W Barner-Rasmussen, L Li
Journal of international business studies 35, 443-455, 2004
Six principles of effective global talent management
G Stahl, I Björkman, E Farndale, SS Morris, J Paauwe, P Stiles, J Trevor, ...
Sloan Management Review 53 (2), 25-42, 2012
Cultural differences and capability transfer in cross-border acquisitions: The mediating roles of capability complementarity, absorptive capacity, and social integration
I Björkman, GK Stahl, E Vaara
Journal of international business studies 38 (4), 658-672, 2007
The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia
CF Fey, I Björkman, A Pavlovskaya
International Journal of human resource management 11 (1), 1-18, 2000
Institutional theory and MNC subsidiary HRM practices: Evidence from a three-country study
I Björkman, CF Fey, HJ Park
Journal of International Business Studies 38, 430-446, 2007
Talent or not? Employee reactions to talent identification
I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth, K Mäkelä, A Smale, J Sumelius
Human Resource Management 52 (2), 195-214, 2013
The effect of human resource management practices on MNC subsidiary performance in Russia
CF Fey, I Björkman
Journal of international business studies 32, 59-75, 2001
The Emergence and Impact of MNC Centres of Excellence
U Holm
Copenhagen Business School, 2000
Managing subsidiary knowledge creation: The effect of control mechanisms on subsidiary local embeddedness
U Andersson, I Björkman, M Forsgren
International Business Review 14 (5), 521-538, 2005
Global talent management: How leading multinationals build and sustain their talent pipeline
GK Stahl, I Björkman, E Farndale, SS Morris, J Paauwe, P Stiles, J Trevor, ...
Insead, 2007
Social relationships and business networks: The case of Western companies in China
I Björkman, S Kock
International business review 4 (4), 519-535, 1995
How do MNCs establish their talent pools? Influences on individuals’ likelihood of being labeled as talent
K Mäkelä, I Björkman, M Ehrnrooth
Journal of World Business 45 (2), 134-142, 2010
The impact of organizational and national cultural differences on social conflict and knowledge transfer in international acquisitions
E Vaara, R Sarala, GK Stahl, I Björkman
Journal of Management Studies 49 (1), 1-27, 2012
Human resource management and the performance of Western firms in China
I Björkman, F Xiucheng
International Journal of Human Resource Management 13 (6), 853-864, 2002
The effect of human resource management practices on Japanese MNC subsidiary performance: a partial mediating model
HJ Park, H Mitsuhashi, CF Fey, I Björkman
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 14 (8), 1391-1406, 2003
Transferring HR practices within multinational corporations
I Björkman, JE Lervik
Human Resource management journal 17 (4), 320-335, 2007
The management of human resources in Chinese-Western joint ventures
I Björkman, Y Lu
Journal of World Business 34 (3), 306-324, 1999
Handbook of research in international human resource management
GK Stahl, I Björkman, S Morris
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2012
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Articles 1–20