Santanu Sarma
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Cited by
Software-based resolver-to-digital conversion using a DSP
S Sarma, VK Agrawal, S Udupa
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 55 (1), 371-379, 2008
SPARTA: Runtime task allocation for energy efficient heterogeneous many-cores
B Donyanavard, T Mück, S Sarma, N Dutt
Proceedings of the Eleventh IEEE/ACM/IFIP International Conference on …, 2016
Toward smart embedded systems: A self-aware system-on-chip (soc) perspective
N Dutt, A Jantsch, S Sarma
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 15 (2), 1-27, 2016
Cyberphysical-system-on-chip (cpsoc): A self-aware mpsoc paradigm with cross-layer virtual sensing and actuation
S Sarma, N Dutt, P Gupta, N Venkatasubramanian, A Nicolau
2015 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 625-628, 2015
Instantaneous angular position and speed measurement using a DSP based resolver-to-digital converter
S Sarma, VK Agrawal, S Udupa, K Parameswaran
Measurement 41 (7), 788-796, 2008
SmartBalance: A sensing-driven linux load balancer for energy efficiency of heterogeneous MPSoCs
S Sarma, T Muck, LAD Bathen, N Dutt, A Nicolau
Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Design Automation Conference, 1-6, 2015
Self-aware cyber-physical systems-on-chip
N Dutt, A Jantsch, S Sarma
2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), 46-50, 2015
Run-DMC: Runtime dynamic heterogeneous multicore performance and power estimation for energy efficiency
T Mück, S Sarma, N Dutt
2015 International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System …, 2015
On-chip self-awareness using cyberphysical-systems-on-chip (CPSoC)
S Sarma, N Dutt, P Gupta, A Nicolau, N Venkatasubramanian
Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Hardware/Software …, 2014
FPGA emulation and prototyping of a cyberphysical-system-on-chip (CPSoC)
S Sarma, N Dutt
2014 25nd IEEE International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping, 121-127, 2014
Systematic error cancellations and fault detection of resolver angular sensors using a DSP based system
S Sarma, A Venkateswaralu
Mechatronics 19 (8), 1303-1312, 2009
CyberPhysical-System-On-Chip (CPSoC): Sensoractuator rich self-aware computational platform
S Sarma, N Dutt, N Venkatasubramanian, A Nicolau, P Gupta
University of California Irvine, Tech. Rep. CECS-TR-13-06, 2013
Captive breeding of an endangered fish Ompok pabda (Hamilton - Buchanan) with ovatide from Guwahati, Assam.
S Purkayastha, S Sarma, S Gupta, AS Singh, SP Biswas
Cross-layer exploration of heterogeneous multicore processor configurations
S Sarma, N Dutt
2015 28th International Conference on VLSI Design, 147-152, 2015
Minimal sparse observability of complex networks: application to MPSoC sensor placement and run-time thermal estimation & tracking
S Sarma, N Dutt
2014 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 1-6, 2014
Cross-Layer Virtual Observers for Embedded Multi-processsor System-on-Chip (MPSoC)
S Sarma, N Dutt, N Venkatasubramanian
Middleware '12 13th International Middleware Conference, 2012
Sense-making from distributed and mobile sensing data: A middleware perspective
S Sarma, N Venkatasubramanian, N Dutt
Proceedings of the 51st Annual Design Automation Conference, 1-6, 2014
An adaptive nonlinear filter for online parameter estimation of undamped and damped sinusoids
S Sarma
Mechanical systems and signal processing 21 (2), 1026-1040, 2007
Strength of diversity: Exploiting cheap heterogeneous noisy sensors for accurate full-chip thermal estimation
S Sarma, N Dutt, P Gupta
Technical Report CECS-TR-14-011, Univeristy of California Irvine, 2014
Spacecraft Dynamics Modeling and Simulation Using Matlab-Simulink
S Sarma, AK Kulkarni, A Venkateswaralu, P Natarajan, NK Malik
3rd MATEIT, New Delhi, India, 2010
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Articles 1–20